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Everything posted by aener

  1. aener

    Free Running

    Hahahaha. Half right. It IS very old, but it's NOT from Russia. They're from Latvia. Some dickhead tagged it - incorrectly - as Russian Climbing, shortly after it came out. The main guy is Oleg Vorslav... The crazy guy on the blue bars in a video posted slightly later in this thread. Sorry to piss on your fire
  2. Why do people feel the need to slaughter this word? What'd it ever do to you?! "Random" (not "ransom" which I just typed by accident - that's something different) is the time when a situation/event/value follows not pattern - be it mathematical or not. Neither of these cases were "random".
  3. aener

    Free Running

    'Kin'ell. Kicking it old school, are we? All of those videos are atLEAST a year old. The middle one's 4, now. Doesn't seem that long
  4. I'll be his alibi on this one... To be fair though - you do look like emos. I don't care if you are or not, you can deny that 'till the cows come home and I wouldn't care either way - but you can't deny the fact that you dress like them. There's cold, hard evidence in that video you posted. Also - on the note of people taking the piss of poor grammer throughout the course of this thread: Please don't. This piss-take is usually directed at you. For you to be directing it at us is simply baffling.
  5. Aside putting some scuff marks on the dropouts, how will it damage them? Going through exactly the same stresses as with a front wheel in there, I would've thought.
  6. aener


    Now I'm not sure - but I think... just maybe, he might've meant something a bit more extensive than a pallet and a half in length...
  7. aener

    Porter Bail

    Damned right it is.... I guess those dudes on Easter Island were copycats, all along.
  8. aener

    Porter Bail

    Surely I'm not the only one?
  9. aener

    Jmc Clips

    Nice video - but whilst that song's already been used by Damon, it's still not as good as Amon Tobin's (the original) version. Damned mainstream D&B. Heh. You coming back down our end some time again?
  10. aener

    Porter Bail

    I'd best get saving then
  11. Real 300fps would also be really crisp, and much smoother
  12. Really influencial party, if their members are so scared of being recognised.
  13. Also - there's only like.... one or two new videos each week....
  14. I was more wondering why you shooped it atall Sucks about the bike, either way. Hope you get it back
  15. Is the reward a 2 weeks of intensive training, to get photoshop skills as good as yours?
  16. I am an utterly boring faggot, and just read this thread start to end. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Love you Mr Bee. I was wondering... What is your view upon typing errors? Are they acceptable, if obviously a one off accident?
  17. Did someone pay extra for some more control, along with their 341st bike?
  18. Quite enjoyed that Make another
  19. Glad you got the Kamel you wanted Spot on riding
  20. aener

    Helmet Choice

    I know pisspots give better protection, and are cheaper - but I just got much too hot in them.
  21. It's dry - but there's pretty hefty clouds... What time we meeting>?
  22. True - but if you square up to them with a crow-bar and a nightstick, they'll think you're a f**king nutcase, and leave you alone for good!
  23. aener

    Some Monty Rider

    "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" Watched some of the related links though, and he looks to be rather special
  24. I hope he's a really good person, so his grandchildren name their kids after him.
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