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Everything posted by aener

  1. aener

    Reet Good

    I don't want to see what happened on the first two attempts.
  2. http://www.futureme.org/ Stick 'em all in now - an reap the benefits. Or whatever... that's just the first commercial idea that came to my head. Pure genius, that is... Brilliant. I've sent 2 already
  3. I hate to say it - so I won't... Just look carefully at that post, and take a hint from this face:
  4. Surely that'd be the opposite of what they should do? You don't go in 'cause the roads are slippy, and it's dangerous. If it suddenly heaves the stuff out the sky - it's more likely you'll be kept there, so you don't die on the way home
  5. Oh PLEASE.... That's not impressive. I saved about 850g just by changing my f**king tyres! Haha.
  6. Corr... That's a long way to go to college... Dedication
  7. Did I maybe mean Ronnie? :$ Not sure which is which - but I'm on about the back wheel. If it's suitable for a rear rim - you have some serious interest
  8. That's exactly what I just did... Get there to find a sign saying: "Hi all Tech students. No college today, none of your tutors could be arsed to turn up." Which meant the return 4 mile ride. I don't object to the distance - but I go down some dodgey streets, and they're REALLY trecherous in the frost,let alone snow. Nearly ended up under a car twice, and in the river 3 times. A very dangerous waste of time for me, thismorning
  9. aener

    First 2009 Vid

    That was great! Good to see another massive attack fan
  10. I support this idea - but don't want to post untill a few other people have. Call it paranoia - if you will
  11. Based on one track, alone - that I'd guess around 1/3 of Earth knows and loves??
  12. Eugh... We've got about an inch all over now... It'd better snow like fury tonight - I HATE riding to college in sludge. It's rather dangerous - if I might say so
  13. There are lots of models. Which set of Onza forks do you have?
  14. aener

    Head Sets ?

    ...Or if you're still unsure - give us a picture... EDIT: (Extention of above post) I know they're not trials, just got 'em from google - but they'll give you an idea... Internal: External: If you have the cups ontop and underneath the bit of frame the forks go through - it's external. If it all looks pretty flush, and no extra bits - it's internal.
  15. ...Well hey... It worked when my chainline was out.
  16. aener

    Sunday Practice!

    Not been the same without you, t33zr. MAKE MORE OF THESE, DAMNIT! Hehe. Good stuff - ride a mod so much better, in my opinion.
  17. I'm soon to lace a 36h King onto a 32h Reggie. I know it's not the best idea - but I'm broke. I was just wondering which'd be better... To miss them in pairs, or alternately? Here's what I mean: My logic dictates the left - but I just thought some of you might advise otherwise. Just checking EDIT: Just realised how stupid that question is... :$ It has to be the first
  18. It's been snowing in Loughborough, but it's not settling atall. I guess you're lucky. It's being somewhat temporamenal in town. One minute blue skies - then you can't see 100 feet. And it makes rails a RIGHT b*****d
  19. ...So if they're more than a little bit better - you'll tell everyone they're shit?
  20. Do we need to watch what we say about you, now?
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