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Everything posted by aener

  1. I have a nasty tendancy of spinning the bars when I come off - and after the cable snapped a few times, I just left 'em long I'll also vouch that the Inspired's feel nicer, whatever the reason may be.
  2. Stem is a RaceFace - don't know what model, as I got it off Josh. Thanks for what seems like a nice reception. Few comments seem to say "Good effort - but it looks weird", but I'll take them in the good way too
  3. I know I was made painfully aware of this, soon after I bought the paint f**k YOU ONZA, for having such good taste in colour
  4. Um.... XT lever, SD7 arms, Clark cable, Heatsink CNC backings, Phatpad material, Shimano Carbon booster. I expect it'll work like poo, due to the rim being covered in bits of paint, but with a fresh grind on it's pretty monstrous. Most would disagree - but I like it. If you pull it hard, it locks, but up until that point there's f**king LOADS of modulation.
  5. No idea. I have real trouble getting to sleep. It takes so long that I've gone through most all of these, and I don't know how I am when I finally drift off. Can never get comfy - despite having a memory foam mattress.
  6. Got bored of the plain old silver Zoot - so I spruced her up a bit. Really rather happy with the result (Few leaks, I know - but it's mostly pretty decent) Obviously needs a tensioner, but after that the only change is the HD King axle that's on it's way to me Cool ass cable-tamer....:
  7. Strange choice of things to use in a car advert, but kinda cool Bonus points to whoever identifies the rider.
  8. I can't quite believe you just did that.
  9. ...Despite the MANY people who bought them as soon as they came out Never mind. I really enjoyed that video - was real fun
  10. Hathersage. Cheers man Trialstube link added in the hope of synced audio...
  11. A bunch of the footage I wanted to use mysteriously dissappeared - so it's not really a display of our utmost best riding. Not sure why the audio is out of sync either. It's fine on the original version on my PC. Music is Jel - You don't know. Edit: Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload GAH! Youtube link for unsynced audio, trialstube for wrong aspect ratio - pick your lesser evil. Hahaha. Or I guess you could download it, but that takes more effort.
  12. There's not a single non-Deng component in there
  13. aener

    Danny Mac'

    Hahha You ask a question, inquiring peoples views. I answer, and you tell me I'm wrong. I like it
  14. Pure looks nice built up. Liking the gap between tubes on head-tube, and the general skinny-looking-ness of it. Not too keen on the rest. Could've at least made an effort to make the Lynx look different to a Python.
  15. Tell me about it.... That £1.99 a pop in Wilkos is bank-busting
  16. Nitromorse = £5 a tin, do it yourself foo'
  17. To be fair... at that height - a helmet ain't gonna do much anyway
  18. f**king impressive stuff guys... The taps, especially.
  19. Woooow.... Aren't 'Burns lifetime guaranteed? Just send it back to 'em, and get a swanky new one! I'm almost SURE they're for life...
  20. More to answer his question.... It doesn't matter. It's personal preferance as to what front brake you run. A LOT of riders prefer disks just on the front, but a lot of pro's also like dual disk. On the other hand - a bunch of exceptional riders use rim brakes on front and rear aswell... It really doesn't matter - so long as you set them up properly - which you'll learn to do through bitter experience, all too quickly.
  21. aener

    Yet More Danny Mac

    Not the most impressive move in the video - but that last line on the slope, with the sidehop is my absolute favourite. That's just f**king genius at work. Also - as has already been said - the hook?! That's getting on for Hermance height, right?
  22. Wow wow wow... At no point did I say real and not real... I just said it the new mainstream stuff sounds horrible. (Meaning, in my opinion.) Let's get that cleared up right a way The sort of sound I'm really into is stuff like Amon Tobin, Autechre, and ESPECIALLY Chris Clark and Venetian Snares. Here's a youtube, but bear in mind the bit of the music I'm talking about will have mostly gone to shit with the youtube compression Chris Clark - Indigo Optimus Venetian Snares - My Half http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld0iHQwrzj0&hl=en&fs=1 On the note of Pendulum - I'm dead opposite you Really liked the D&B exclusive album, and the rocky one doesn't appeal to me one bit - but again, just to clarify, that's not the part I'm talking about EDIT: Gah! How is youtube embedding done on this forum? It's been SO long since I've done it.
  23. Cool. I was sort of hoping it wasn't down to the artists' choice. Understandable for those reasons - but I much prefer the dirtier sound
  24. Either you missed the point, or I didn't make it clear. The music is just the preference of the person. That's not what I'm on about. It's the mastering stages. The sounds are all FAR too crisp, and it just sounds overdone... Y'know - like the special effects part in Space Oddysee 2001?
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