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Everything posted by aener

  1. Probably not this time around. Think we're going up north.
  2. A lot of people may disagree with me - but I had a go on a Rip that'd been left completely unmodified, and really liked the way it rode. I'd say 'undred nicka's a pretty good deal. Go for it
  3. Yes. I did: 80 grit 120 grit 240 grit Wet'n'dry Brasso. Keep it on the frame and spin it 'round like putting tar on Doesn't take too long.
  4. I dunno... Might get a couple days out of it
  5. That means you'll be able to ride like him soon.
  6. I must say - fair play to the BMXer - he had some unfortunate incidents... But half the time it looks like you jumped off on purpose, trying to make it look like an accident amirite? Edit: By which I mean - why?
  7. aener

    Ass Killer!

    ...That really didn't look all that painful :\
  8. Very nice Looks lovely. I'm just about to get a 609 of a buddy. Can't bloody wait.
  9. Twat. I like it - but like others say - it's too much of the same. Stick some variation in and it's a winner! That manual down the wall... f**k. Crazy shit.
  10. Trying to get it off the bottom bracket. Put the extractor in (yes - squarely ) and it was real tight. put a 4' bar over it, and it started moving. Stuck so damned tight it just ripped all the threads out. Tried hammering. Tried crank in the vice, and whack BB with bar+hammer. Trying to avoid heating it if atall possible. Only way I can think of is to cut the BB, and drill/scrape the rest of it out the tapers - though if I can't get it off - I'm not really sure I want to be putting it back on anything. Are stripped threads covered on the warranty, does anyone know? Cheers.
  11. aener

    Jaf Bikes 2.

    Wow. Gotta say... Cheers guys
  12. aener

    24" Riders...

    Go tell that to a mod rider
  13. aener

    Jaf Bikes 2.

    'Cause it's nothing all that special - and a fair old ride away.
  14. aener

    Jaf Bikes 2.

    Zoot, and a Python. Cheers guys. It's in Loughborough, Mikey.
  15. aener

    Jaf Bikes 2.

    http://www.vimeo.com/6459476 Good fun today - Revolver - you're gay.
  16. That was well up there in my 5 most favourite videos ever. VERY nice
  17. I don't usually feel this way from pictures - but that thing looks SO fun to ride. If ever I get a mod, it'll be like that.
  18. aener


    KMC Kools do me pretty well - though I occasionally ('bout once every two/three months-ish) snap links. Had a KHE for a year and it never snapped. Pretty strong things
  19. If it ain't too tight, super glue allen key to head, then undo. Tight, drill it out.
  20. Pretty rad. Drop gap somewhere in the middle was f**king enormous. Loved the manualy bits up and down rocks
  21. Mine was absolutely spot on. Boumsong had it for a few years - and he ain't light, OR smooth. He snapped the axle - but this thread's mostly about engagements. It's never skipped on me, and by the time I got it, it was 5th hand. Only taken it off, as I was a willy and ran a cassette cog on it for too long, and killed the driveshell. Pro II Trials on the way as I got it 60 posted, and even an ally driveshell is 55, unposted.
  22. Jesus man - you've been corrected in no uncertain terms - so you go and spell it wrong in a different way Smashing. That really has made my day (Yes - been pretty crap so far, so something small is still good)
  23. Stealth rubber isn't just another compound. It's had crazy loads of money poured into it. It's super tacky, but wears down insanely slow. Really really lightweight, too. Like the good points of a 42a, mixed with the good points of a 70a. Trouble is, it'd be like.... 100 pound a tyre.
  24. [ghost_voice]Noooo one knooooows.[/ghost_voice]
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