I've had them a while now - and they did it right from the word go, but it's getting a tad annoying as it makes getting just the right "torque" difficult. (It's in inverted commas as I'm not sure if it can be classed as torque or not )
Basically - the top-cap REALLY doesn't enjoy twisting around the top of that which it's pulling down on, and makes turning very difficult.
I've got a spacer between the top-cap and the stem, and I've tried greasing the rim of the spacer too. As soon as it gets anywhere near tight enough, it won't really turn without turning the stem.
Untill now - I've had to turn the stem with the top-cap, then twist it back when it's tight enough whilst holding the top-cap still.
Any methods you guys know that'll ease it up at all?
Cheers, and apologies for the poor sentance structure and wording. I'm very tired.