So I hear it's a pretty frequent thing to happen when BB7s get older...
The piston that actually moves in to the rotor pushes hard enough that the side with the stationary pad begins to flex over, rather than holding in place and just clamping the rotor.
First off - does anyone know a way of stopping this happening?
I've taken it apart and nothing's broken, put it back together and done the bolts up SUPER tight - but it's still happening.
If no-one knows how to fix it, I'm after advice on hydraulic disks.
Never had one before, so don't know much about them.
Obviously thought "Hope" straight away - but I don't have that much cash.
Was wondering if there's any particularly good-for-trials Magura disks, or Hayes, or anything without Hope's pricetag.
I hear the Bikehut ones are pretty damned decent - but I don't wanna waste this cash. Can anyone confirm this? If so - what model?
Thanks a bunch