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Everything posted by aener

  1. I wonder how offended his housemate will be that he's not filming this one... If I were Mr. Mac - being that April '09 owes a lot of it's successfulness to it's filming/production - I'd honour something like that and only let him produce the sequel, assuming he wanted to. Still - being that I'm neither of them, I'm quite looking forward to it
  2. Oh my god. That's just pure genius. I've always just bent them whilst pushing them through. Will be doing this next time
  3. :$ Thanks! I have done all that, and the cable's only about two weeks old. I thought it was a widespread issue. A few people 'round here seem to have had it. After about a year or so the flex just gets crazy. I can pull my lever until the pads engage, then probably another 15/20mm in to the bars. Will go try out another new cable before spending big money on a new brake, but it seemed pretty poo even when I'd just put it on. Torn between getting another BB7 or a second hand Hope, at the minute.
  4. Have done, yeah. That's what I thought last time... This is my third, and they've all done the same.
  5. Thanks for all that. Unfortunately, I've already got it like that/done it already
  6. Can you define "awesome" at all? What size is it? I've got a +20mm disk mount, so would depend on adaptors etc. I've lost a section of my right index finger, meaning I can't get the same sort of leverage on a front brake. I like piling in to the front wheel quite a lot, too. 203mm BB7 on a mod was OK until it went shit. If it's as good as that, I might be interested.
  7. So I hear it's a pretty frequent thing to happen when BB7s get older... The piston that actually moves in to the rotor pushes hard enough that the side with the stationary pad begins to flex over, rather than holding in place and just clamping the rotor. First off - does anyone know a way of stopping this happening? I've taken it apart and nothing's broken, put it back together and done the bolts up SUPER tight - but it's still happening. If no-one knows how to fix it, I'm after advice on hydraulic disks. Never had one before, so don't know much about them. Obviously thought "Hope" straight away - but I don't have that much cash. Was wondering if there's any particularly good-for-trials Magura disks, or Hayes, or anything without Hope's pricetag. I hear the Bikehut ones are pretty damned decent - but I don't wanna waste this cash. Can anyone confirm this? If so - what model? Thanks a bunch
  8. Haha. As soon as I saw your name in a post - I was pretty sure I knew what was coming After something a bit less streety than that. I know it's not bad for "trialsy" trials, but the way he's reacting to different types of videos inclines he might turn more trialsy than that makes convenient.
  9. I've got a buddy interested in getting a bike. After much debate and querying, we determined probably a Justice was his best bet. Unfortunately, they appear to have sold out in every single shop on the internet I was wondering what you guys might remember that I've forgotten about. Upper budget limit of ~£500, and he's really not too comfortable buying second hand. Any suggestions/know a bike shop that has some left in stock? Please post. Ta
  10. I just changed my gear ratio about until I found one that was just right for the chain length Took a bit of getting used to - but it's fine once you are.
  11. Some things should just not be abbreviated.
  12. aener


    Myself included. Edit:
  13. You make quite a lot of good, useful, or otherwise entertaining posts - but I believe this to be your best to date.
  14. aener

    Jan - Some Moments

    Last clip was cooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. ...But did I spy a couple of video-blags in there? A static, and a sidehop. Mint riding, even so.
  15. I'll come if the weather's Ok! Sent you a PM as I've no idea where's where.
  16. The past few weeks I've had this burning desire to ride concrete pipes. They just look so much fun. I know there's some at Barrow Farm, but that's a nightmare drive away, to be honest. I'm based near Leicester. I'm on about the ones like in the recent Benito Ros/Diego Barrio video, and are in a lot of TRA videos. I hear there's some near Coalville, but the ground is mud, and it's been raining a lot recently. Any suggestions are good ones Ta.
  17. I thought he used to ride with him, which is why I watched the video - but assumed I'd got mixed up when I saw the riding. Is this the same guy as was an absolute beast on rocks? Also - that hook at 1:46.... CHRIST. Must be rivalling Tunni, and he's got springs on the front
  18. Still no joy then? Just a thought... Got a spare BB? Might be BB bearings died.
  19. That was a year ago?! Christ... That's gone quick.
  20. Um... Yeah. Like I said in the bottom line of my post
  21. Use the search. It'll be fine - as discussed in at least three topics prior to this one.
  22. From now on, every time you re-spray your bike you should take a photo of it from the same angle, and after a while (about two months in your case ) you could photoshop a picture together of your bike through time. Oldest paintjob to the rear, then sectioned up with the newest at the front. It'd be sweet. I realise how irrelevant that was - but thought I'd put it out there Sorry I'm no help.
  23. You heartless b*****d. Bet you scared away ALL that poor man's fish Cool riding though.
  24. Agreed with this. Though I had to give my driveshell a pretty good whack to get it out. Also - while Holy Rollers are at least as good, I had a soft spot for the DMR Moto Diggers when I was on 24.
  25. I don't get it... Are you informing us to be careful of something that's happened to most everyone here, or are you asking some form of question?
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