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Everything posted by The Duck
Because Cls's words were... something along the lines of... the geometry is perfect. And also his is the long, and its a 10mm difference from what tarty say the wheelbase on the long is. And I'm trying to decide weather to get the long or the short
I know this topic is quite old but... On tarty they say, the wheelbase on the short 07 Python is 1030mm (with echo lite forks) and the wheelbase on the long is 1045mm (with echo lite forks). According to cls's website he runs echo lites but his wheelbase is 1035mm! I don't understand
Only in America. Why is a higher percentage of the population looneys there than anywhere else? (Sorry that sentance will probably need reading at least 3 times to understand what I mean. But once you understand it - it makes sence lol)
I definitely am a tart, but a lazy tart. I wouldn't buy parts that don't match the rest of the bike (colour-wise) even if there better (performance-wise). I used to have a thing about tire pressure, but I never bring my own pump out riding for some reason, and I always end up using a seriously shitty pump that i find at the bottom of a stream or something. I have ripped the valve of the inner tube three times, THREE TIMES! Which is pretty fecking annoying. I run RimJam blues on a smooth rim, so my brakes are crap what ever I do. But I still can't stand the pads rubbing. Basically things really really annoy me, but I - can't be bothered/can't/am to scared to - adjust them. So yeah - Lazy tart.
... About as helpful as a one legged man arse kicking competition Edit: Logic also suggests that if you have a couple of brain cells to rub together, you'd probably thaught of that already.
I don't like what I have, and even if I did its cracked!
Well, I've made the executive decision to get a python 07. For no sensible reason i just love them. But anyway I'm 6ft - ish (and still going upwards) and I'm completely torn, weather to get the short or long Python. The long is pretty mahusive (1045mm wheelbase), which is what i was going to go for. But now I'm slightly scared it will ride like a wet fish. But the short has a 1030mm wheelbase, so the geo could be like the Typhoon long, which is supposed to be shite. Help
lmao 26" Jump bike with pegs? eh? My favorite quote from that was: 'F*cking fagget mutha f*cker' (note -heavy american accent). Pretty good stuff though. Edit: Spell Checker
Thats begging for the green maggys! Its exactly the same colour!! I like
Yes tom.... Perhaps when its leagal for you to do so... Haha little blonde squirt. Its pocket billards for you to be going on with.
Sorry if I'm a bit slow but, isn't that still the onza prototype? Or could I just ring up and order one? I like the A3 but sort of lets have a go on it - like it, rather than lets spend £300 on it - like it. If that makes sence But if I had that money to spend, I'd spend it on an 07 Python.
I'll talk to a few of the people i normally ride with and see if their up for it... if so, we might have to join you! As long as its not invitation only :$?!
I run a Try-All freewheel . I like it, we'll have to see if it lasts more than five minutes. But to be honest if I was buying a new one now, I would get a tensile. They are great value for money and they sound better than sex! Actually thinking about it the engagement clicks on my freewheel are quite quiet... TENSILE!
Worked for my louise! But I think he means water and Anti-freeze, so it doesn't go icey in cold weather. Gurd luck!
Do my eyes deceive me or are those sorry looking strips of rubber sticky fingers? If so, don't worry about the bars, stem, forks, wheels, cranks, freewheel... Pay £30 for some real tires! Jesus! When i say real I mean creepy crawlers Creepy Crawlers ***!
Meh, Your probably not allowed to touch them without wearing gloves made of 100% cotton or something. The last 'generation' you couldn't stick in your pocket without the screen smashing or just getting generally scratched. I was just talking to one of my mates about it and we think a different company should make them.... Heres what we came up with... [attachmentid=7028] [attachmentid=7029] Still in the prototype stage...
Ten out of ten Tom! How to ruin a perfectly decent T-Pro in a matter of seconds! Edit: If it snaps while were riding I'll give you a fiver for it on the spot just so i can re-live the moment. I'll frame it or something.
I used to have a repetitive nightmare that my aunty was the devil, and could breath fire and tortured Rupert the bear . I wasn't a disturbed child Edit: Oh, and i was on a small boat watching all that happening.
[attachmentid=6959] My old cat pablo Edit: Sorry about the picture quality... Taken off my old old phone.
Hi guyths I'll be sixteen in a few months, and I thought I should plan ahead... My dad isn't exactly mad keen to get me a ped for my birthday/christmas (they're around the same time). And I don't actually think I could convince him to spend that much to be honest. I worked out it would cost around £1000 to £1500 to buy a moped, tax it, insure it etc. But we could probably put our heads (or bank cards) together and get near that much money. But then I started to think... Well is it really worth it? You look like a twat on one, every other 'road user' thinks your annoying... blah blah blah But at the same time as thinking all that (quite busy inside my head at the moment) I was thinking if I don't get one, I could spend the money on my bike, and have an absolute beauty! it's a bit 'ridden' looking at the moment you see! This is probably the wrong place to be asking this question but... What should I do? And has anybody else had the same sort of dilemma? Please help, its killing me!
This worked for me!
I run Smart Guys and a Louise FR! Seriously it is one hell of a brake. Unless internally combusts overnight, I wont ever feel the need to replace it.
I couldn't have said it better myself . I've got a brand new freewheel tool that I can send you for the price of postage. I don't need it. Let me know if you want it matey
I didn't mean it literally . It wasn't that bad!