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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Sweet, nice work Mr Muel... Glad to see the front wheel is still going strong...
  2. How do you do the effect on the 'gap over rocks' one? Been wanting to try it for ages...
  3. Which one was you on saturday derf? May well have some pictures of you...
  4. Simtra re-stem feels shit hot on the new pures... Or you could try the echo 130x15 (same deg rise but slightly longer reach) Edit: I run that echo stem on my Czar (almost identical geo)
  5. Reminds me of me sort of... But christ boyo what size are those sporgs? (Feet)
  6. Montys... Onza if your really on a budget. Anyway I'm not posting here again, its getting to be a bit of a 2 person conversation rather than a topic.
  7. He was ace with me, didn't mess about at all! Payed him (for a sprocket), it was here the day after.
  8. Yeah ridden one once, felt like a monty to me. Second hand one would probably be £150-£180? Finding one second hand is another matter though.
  9. It all works well... Dropouts n stuff. But they are mega short. What do you ride at the moment and how do you find it?
  10. Anyone up for an abingdon ride tomorrow? Or sunday? See me ride for the first time in about 4 months (should be funny)
  11. Dont actually have access to a vice (normally use a mates) Let alone a lathe... Wish i was back at school...
  12. Haha, twas probably dowl rather than a twig. Looking for something a little stronger?
  13. Got myself some new monty bars... Building up my bike tomorrow and I want to extend them to about 30 inches I know its been done before... Just after a quick how to. If anyone could help, that would be sweet. Cheers
  14. Wooow jesus. I have hope hubs and try-all rims, monty bars, magura etc etc. just to clarify. Echo '05 rims were wank. Denguras are wank. Heard some bad reports about the freehubs, but a mate has had one for coming on 2 years without service and no problems... Similarly the same external bb has been circulating through abingdon for about 3 years and is currently 3rd hand and hasn't been touched. But fair enough if people have had other/bad experences. Argument over (please)
  15. Shut up you dick. All I pointed out was that not all deng stuff is shit, as you seem to think. Granted Echo '06 rims and some other stuff are a load of wank in all fairness, if all deng stuff is made of cheese why does Rowan have a 3 year old echo frame?
  16. Wouldn't lose sleep over it mate, hope make a similar sort of thing now. Edit: Mate, what is the big everything deng is made of 'cheese' argument about? Last time I checked, 9 out of 10 people on this forum run deng parts. Whats wrong with them? Can you suggest a better brand? With as much variety?
  17. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummarySweet, very streight forward person to deal with. Very happy. Given By: Quackers You were the: Seller Date: 1191508793
  18. No, they already have, as have external bbs. Edit: Oh and the built in tensioners are good, you just slide them over the axel, when you tighten the wheel, they fix in place. Perfect chain tension, and replaceable if deng decides to sell them separately. Back to external BBs... No idea why they've stoped producing them, what happened to the needle bearing half external one?
  19. Don't forget the PO strikes... Might want to pay the extra for guarenteed next day delivery...
  20. I heard that when you put a fake diamond in a hole in your lever, you gap like damon w...
  21. premature ejaculation bump Going to bother me until my frame arrives now... Somebody tell me!
  22. iSexyouformoney haha RentboyPod
  23. Nah, denguras are a load of arse. Will it really not fit? Edit for those who can't be arsed to read the thread: Soon to be running a 128mm bb on a czar stock, with a maggy... Will there be enough crank clearence?
  24. Very nice, will look like poo after a few scrapes though...
  25. Probably a silly question matey, but you did stick the race on the new forks?
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