Not trying to be a Knut, but they do include washers , got some from there the other day. There exactly the same as my old ones (which came with hub). Edit: Tartys service is fantastic to say the least though, and most of the prices are good. Its a brilliant business.
Pretty shit in all honesty, not too bad, but not as good as it was. I'm not grinding it for the time being though, waiting for these soft phat pads, to see how soft they are.
Looking good, keep practicing that hopping on the back wheel, try putting some kicks into it and you'll be reet. Good little videos too, slightly less slo-mo would have been good in the last one, but their good.
Ok... Changed a few bits and bobs, apart from the frame being more scratched/chipped whats the difference? Old... Mini me... New... Hope you like! Comments!!
Here (You can also add a rim, spokes and a hub to your basket - click workshop and they'll give you the best build in the UK for £10) Or here Or here (right at the bottom)
Bit slow off the mark... 3rd page of comments... That was amazing! Has somebody got a bit of a secret postbox fetish going on? Was really pleasing/inspiring to watch. Technically the video was sweet too Edit: 4th page of comments haha
If your getting a KO, get a 'short' one. With KO forks the long actually measures 1045!! Which only the older pythons could pull off in my opinion... Shorts are actually 1030. Much better bet.
Changing ISP as my current one 'Demon' has f**ked me around... Still using them currently though. Just signed up to madasafish, waiting for bumf to come through the door... Will there be a gap between switching after i enter my MAC number for the new ISP? Really can't be doing with no internet access...
Yeah fat pants... love to meet you. Its just tom and me going to reading so far. Maybe you could stay at his tuesday over til wednesday? Ride abingdon tuesday and reading wednesday?