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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Hm, I've always used KMCs. Fine as long as you use the split link. From what people say though, looks like its KHE + Lube =
  2. The Duck

    My Zoo 07

    Pretty nice... I take it they're already selling the mod Urbans in Russia then?
  3. It is well worth grinding your rim for the performance, but if you really dont want to, try Zoo pads. Tarty sell them for £15 and they're your best bet for a smooth rim. Crap in the rain, as are all pads with a smooth rim.
  4. Forgive my vanity, but that is one ugly beast of a helmet. Xens do the (trials) job fine. End of in my opinion.
  5. haha loved that! Ace choice of music...
  6. DONT GET A KO LONG. I voted for GU, because the geo is spot on it seems to me.
  7. Yeah its funny stuff, I'll let somebody else explain But people do the funny pivoty thing, because its a good way to learn. When your pretty much reached your maximum height and just cant do it like that anymore - both wheels are brought up at the same time (when really maxing it). Hope this helps. Edit: spelling!!!!!11
  8. For a business studies project... Time display needs to be on the right hand, back pocket. Please help!
  9. I think someone's cheese slipped off their cracker... Just looked and this rather daft old bean made a topic called 'Validation, how long?'
  10. Chriiiiiiist! Brilliant video, quite possibly the best I've seen. Riding was spectacular too.
  11. Guessing... If its not the lock ring... Bearings. Can look like threads that have twanged... If i was you, I'd give tarty a ring and send it to them.
  12. Good riding... Video quality/music ruined it though.
  13. Friday See Girlfriend probably Saturday RIDE OXFORD!!! Woooooo YEeer"" powpow... Sunday Vegitate
  14. Might be worth giving hope a ring? If nobody else knows that is...
  15. Might want to get a new tape mesure for the Geo on trials UK... Measured a kobike long with ko forks and the WB was 1044ish not 1030. Just thought I'd let you know.
  16. Hardcores, KO bike longs, Onza anything apart from T-Pros...
  17. £1.25 for the trip there and back... 'Child Single' for the return journey and thats that! Will you be aboot on saturday?
  18. Yeah, will take a couple of links out when I've got nothing better to do, works absolutely fine how it is though. Just for other people thinking to switch from mod to stock - My gapping has improved by around a foot and a half, side-hopping has improved by about half a foot, tapping is fine when you get used to it and I'm generally much more confident/stable.
  19. The Duck

    Temp Bike

    You sure raped the quality of that
  20. Don't spray it fluorescent pink or something stupid.
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