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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Normally park at the first riding spot - Osney Mead industrial estate, outside the stone masons. No parking restrictions and about 5 minutes ride from the station. Map (Not exactly where the arrow is pointing, same road though, end of the last turning right
  2. Buff Tom, if the weather holds up I'll see you later. Its pissing it down.
  3. Vees are as good/better than maggys. But bear in mind, A decent vee setup costs about twice the price of a magura.
  4. Ok, if your coming you can try mine out. Better than any magura/dengura you can come up with, guaranteed.
  5. Pro 2 trials hub, King headset (if you must).
  6. First 2 are the pavement next to St.Giles, second lot are at University Materials, last couple are down Little Clarendon Street.
  7. Weather forcast is good, but keep your fingers crossed...
  8. The Duck


    Riding motor bikes in fields is rather off topic. Bit of a difference between riding a bike on a 'public owned' wall and riding a motorbike on privately owned field.
  9. The Duck


    buzz off mate, you obviously haven't read what I wrote properly. Yeah, we are polite when people are being polite towards us. We also normally ride on some walls near a registry office, when there’s a wedding on the lady comes out and tells us when it should be finished and we come back then. Thats fine, shes friendly, we are friendly - everybody’s happy. Also when we use the pallets round the back of Homebase, some old boy comes out and says would you mind comming back when we're closed? We go away, and go back when their closed. I don't start being a smart arse, unless other people are unreasonable with me. Yeah, that’s our sort of 'normal procedure'. What really got to me is. In the same place where the police were taking our details yesterday, about a week before a police car was stopped in traffic next to us riding there. The driver wound his window down, started clapping and said 'Do that thing where you jump up the wall again!', the police woman sitting next to him was smiling and giving a thumbs up etc. They just need to make their minds up what their policy is. Edit: Yeah we really need to start the ball moving... Will email you now Sue.
  10. The Duck


    Jesus!! Thats mental. Funny thing is, one of the people we normally ride with's mum is the super-intendant I learned today. Shame he wasn't there really...
  11. The Duck


    Hm, but its public property which must make some difference? We aren't a bunch of stubborn buggers, we do move when people aren't aggressive/rude but when people are, it just makes my little b*****d side shine through. Not riding a mod either, don't think that'd stop them to be honest. Edit: Right, my mum wouldn't be fussed either really because I'm not doing anything wrong. But we'd still get a criminal record, chances are, and that can mess up future opportunities (jobs etc.).
  12. The Duck


    Its really not funny. I don't want to be getting arrested. Apart from anything else I think its a joke for the mayor to be saying blah blah trials park, but for people under her saying your a bunch of losers basically.
  13. The Duck


    I've seen topics along these lines before, but I'm completely pissed off with the situation now. Was out riding today, to begin with it was just the two of us. We were riding on some walls outside the 'Abingdon GuildHall' car park, which is just round the corner from the local council offices etc, they have meetings in the guildhall. I was standing up on the wall taking a break and some old bird (i say old, probably around 45) came out and said 'Get off that wall please'. I said why, and she just kept repeating herself, which was rather frustrating, so I said why is it in your interest for me to get off this wall? Anyway it transpired she worked for the council. Her argument was the usual one, I was damaging the walls, so I showed her that actually the only part of my bike touching the walls was my tyres and tyres don’t break stone walls. She then started to come out with a load of old bollocks about “Would you ride your bike all over your walls?” “If I had some walls, then yes of course I would.”. She then implied (can’t remember her exact words) that, yes our parents would probably let us do that because we’re scum. After a few light hearted comments were exchanged (‘Haven’t you got anything better to do?’ ‘I did try collecting stamps but it wasn’t really my cup of tea’) She called Stanton an ‘Arrogant little willy’ out of the blue. The conversation descended into a slagging match. Threats of calling the police were made… Two traffic wardens and 2 other old gits from the council decided to get involved, but at least they had something constructive to say like; go to meetings, write letters etc. To which Stanton said well I was doing that with DJ when he was still around and look where it got us. Anyway, we moved to another riding spot, as we had had our names taken down by two coppers there the other week. A few minutes after we got to the other riding spot round the corner, the police arrived. Apparently they had been watching us on CCTV and what we were doing was endangering passing members of the public. They had apparently had complaints… (Tenner says it was those f**king traffic wardens and that fat bitch sizabley challenged member of the female persuasion from the council) After a lengthy discussion, we had our names taken down, and they said that if they received another complaint we’d be arrested!! Writing that has just made me think – well arrested for what exactly? Riding my bike on a wall? To make matters worse, at the DJ ride a few months earlier, the mayor had near enough promised us a trials park. Where is the joined up thinking there? Some reasonable high-ups in the local council telling us we are arrogant little pricks? Could the police actually arrest us for doing that? I'm really not a happy bunny. Sorry for the essay. Edit: Rudeness
  14. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryOrdered some bits from CRC at the same time, arrived at the same time. bargain!! Given By: Quackers You were the: Seller Date: 1195232308
  15. Pads: PHAT PADS!! (cnc backings) Time used:2 weeks Rim used: Try-All Grind: Yes, Medium, not sharp. Brake used: Magura Hs33 2007, Magura black hosing, Water bleed, Echo '08 levers What is your opinion of a working brake: Instant bite, Firm hold, nice noise. Previous pads you have used: Koxx Browns, Rimjam V3s, Onza citrus, Adamant pads, Zoo pads, Echo reds, Echo New compound, Kool stops!!111 Review: Put the pads on after my Koxx Browns had been working poo! (no hold with the worn-down grind, not much bite and no noise) They were absolutely amazing! They haven't worn down at all, not a hundredth of a millimeter, and I love them. I'll never use any other pads (as long as I can get hold of some of these).
  16. First one is a repost, second one looks painful.
  17. I drilled an echo one. Didn't use a center punch or any other rubbish, just a drill.
  18. Has to be internal for the Ozonys, so yeah the hope is the best for the job. Rims wise, I'd go for Try-Alls, but if your a 'hard rider' (basher) Echo '07s. I'd recommend Monty bars (the '07 ones would look rather nice) they feel absolutely luuurvly on my Czar (short, similar geo to Ononys) and a mate has them on his Pure '07 (short, also similar geo to Ozonys). Otherwise that set up is spot on! Last thing though, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you can run a BMX king on a stock? Would have to be just a full HD axel etc. I'm no king expert though.
  19. Don't get a rear one, Pro IIs are fine. Front ones are replacements for monolites, same weight etc.
  20. Probably be able to dig a few others from Abingdon up... I'm in...
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