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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. These are by no means perfect, but haven't had a chance to have a proper play yet (ISO was playing silly buggers)... Gap over big drop... (with a certain someone getting the best angle..) Same size gap to front... Big drop gap, over big drop* *RIP Bessel's BB More to come soon! (Takes about 5 mintues per picture or something silly to upload, 2.2 Mbps connection speed... ) Edit: ©... Mine More (Not edited at all... so a bit shabby): 'Thats quite big' River dance - Fred Max T's sicko 180 rolling gap (going to crop it etc, will look much better) Quickly edited... BB... 'Oh yes, that was me' xx
  2. Behind Bars Pedal Power Bike Zone Broad Ribbs Summertown Cycles
  3. haha last words said before it was done; 'What BB have you got bessel?' aahhahaha What BB was it?
  4. If i had a mod, it would be that. But would change the brakes...
  5. Adam why not get a lift a further 2 mins up the road and get dropped off at oxford station? The only reason people are going to botley is because they need to park... You'll just be walking along with most of a bike. Who ever is If Mikes comming tell him to bring another set of phat pads! 11 o'clock at the bronze bull (oxford station)!!!!!
  6. The Duck


    Stonking. Like the purple.
  7. Yeah new pedals... Light is new too Everything else is the same, not a new hub, not a new stem, not a new tyre...
  8. At the very least, theres 3 of us coming from Abingdon... Still 11 at the bronze bull?
  9. Havoc? Around £40...
  10. Got a clip-on one i think i found somewhere for me bum, just ordered one of these for the front. Pretty bank-breaking i'd say?
  11. He shouldn't really have to alter his technique because of shit bars...
  12. Get the ones that clip to your clothes.
  13. Pretty sure the train station car park is closed at the moemnt? Correct me if I'm wrong though.
  14. Blue. When will they be available? I want one... :$
  15. Nah, the frame must be for a 20" rear wheel rather than 19". What a load of poo.
  16. The Duck


    Xen '07? Edit: Probably an older E2 if not...
  17. Use the f**king search! Theres only a 20 page topic on it already.
  18. Really nice, easy to use. Kamel is cheaper than Cleanbikes!! (by almost £100!!)
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