I know the last sentence was aimed at me but... Your a fanny. The reason your not enjoying riding the Czar is because the weather is mentally shit at the mo. Riding in the shitty cold, dark and damp is not much fun. In the summer riding is brilliant, much better than any bmx crap. You've improved loads on your bike the last month even, dont even think about getting rid of the czar. If you don't really use your tranzzzgender, sell it, buy a cheap but not embarrassing run around, and SAVE the money dont just think 'shit shit i have some spare money... what can i buy...' If you get rid of the czar, get an inspired (this is probably the best option) you'll love it. If i was you (slightly bias here but...) i'd sell the DMR, and that bmx frame, see how much you've got. If the inspired is 'in reach' then save what ever else you need. If you haven't got enough dosh, start flogging the czar, but dont fanny about because you'll just get pissed off with waiting and go mental.