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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Seriously the worst riding pictures I've ever taken, extra shit un-edited... Nice to be nice though.
  2. What they are made out of means nothing. I had an 05 t-mag frame, made of shit and it dented when you flicked it, it snapped. Now I have an Ozonys. Its made of the same stuff as the t-mag, isn't shit (far from it) and isn't going to break like the t-mag did. You are not going to break either in the foreseeable future. Get a lite.
  3. I'm bigger than you And any of the top 5 on here is what you want.
  4. The Duck

    Koxx Vinco

    Aren't they like +80?
  5. The Duck

    Ozonys Play

    2.18 = weirdest technique I've ever seen Music went well though.
  6. Haha Think he was just doing a polite rant about BIU.
  7. I'm rather fond of my drilled ones.
  8. Welding it is your only option really... But as its a levelboss and they ALL crack, its probably one for the knackers yard.
  9. I know the last sentence was aimed at me but... Your a fanny. The reason your not enjoying riding the Czar is because the weather is mentally shit at the mo. Riding in the shitty cold, dark and damp is not much fun. In the summer riding is brilliant, much better than any bmx crap. You've improved loads on your bike the last month even, dont even think about getting rid of the czar. If you don't really use your tranzzzgender, sell it, buy a cheap but not embarrassing run around, and SAVE the money dont just think 'shit shit i have some spare money... what can i buy...' If you get rid of the czar, get an inspired (this is probably the best option) you'll love it. If i was you (slightly bias here but...) i'd sell the DMR, and that bmx frame, see how much you've got. If the inspired is 'in reach' then save what ever else you need. If you haven't got enough dosh, start flogging the czar, but dont fanny about because you'll just get pissed off with waiting and go mental.
  10. Yeah they waaaaaay old ones did. The onza bash plate on tarty will fit, might be slightly out, if it is, bend it.
  11. Nice spec, why the shoddy forks?
  12. The Duck


    I think not. Haha stupid.
  13. JewISH dammit! Edit: Yeeeah Jeb End Edit 2: V V V V VAGINAL EXPLOSION
  14. The Duck

    Cycle Show 2008

    Cycle Show Home Unlike NASS, they'll still be doing a trials section.
  15. Got loads more pictures, will update with more soon... Also, haven't edited any of the pictures because my computer is wank, so they are completely as i took them I thought I'd start with a couple of pictures of some of the fittys we encountered... Joe White - Sexy time Ok... Bessell holding it... Mini tuckage from Mr White... Bench to rail sequence... Tanking it to back wheel (sorry don't know who you are :$) [edited with a combination of powerpoint and paint ] Hook (or not) sequence... Updates... Dan visualizing... Ross? tap (took like 10 pictures of you but all came out rubbish, including these ones) Bessell again Dont know who this is Shrewers Proof of the amount of abuse a deng frame can take and still be fully functional Dan? Preload. (Up to backwheel) DB designs clown Thanks to photobucket for raping the quality of all the pictures.
  16. Using pennies sounds like a good idea... Or you could just use vees...
  17. If your a pussy... What a silly topic. Get bike insurance its like £8 a month, then you'll never have to worry. Edit: Just got a quote from the first company i found on google, £7.44 a month (£79 annually) insures you up to a grand.
  18. Nah, It looks like a cad drawing filled in with funny colours in paint.
  19. Urgh. Take those stickers off! And doesn't that stem feel absolutely rancid with a +35bb? Bars sort it out a bit i suppose. Apart from that, looks really nice.
  20. Quite a lucky little chap isn't he. Make a video of him on it
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