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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Never been camping before. How do you get around the whole sweating all day and not being able to wash issue?
  2. If a bike could be my worst nightmare, that would be it. That is f**king horrible. Like the one the actual topic is about though.
  3. Beast. Are we allowed to know how much that set him back?
  4. Yes! Thats how they should be ridden. Anyone who owns one and can't ride like that should be shot. Lovely video. Lovely riding. Smashing!
  5. Yeah looks nice. Wouldn't skimp on the chain though!
  6. May very well have some (extenders), brand new. Will check and PM you.
  7. Echo/Ko? Tims got the ko! Is the axel not long enough or what? might just need some spacers
  8. 13th. 11.30 @ the train station.
  9. I'm sure tarty would do it for you if you asked nicely
  10. Tried everything and didn't work. They are designed for mega thin rims (as trials specific forks that have only been available recently - bit f**king stupid...) Tarty will take them back as long as they are in the same condition they left in (which they are, thanks tarty). Bit of a pain in the arse, don't especially like the look of the black urbans... Any suggestions on some half decent forks that would look nice too? Thanks for help/ideas. Sorry about naff pictures - 4mp ancient cannon compact camera *** (dont have a macro lens for my SLR) Wahoo - poll
  11. And a saddle, which most on here haven't got
  12. The Duck


    Found another one of those funny things The calndar doesn't work properly... Sorry very early in the morning (for me) http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....amp;event_id=72
  13. The Duck

    Boon Travels To

    oooooooohhhhfff**kin 'ell! I couldn't help but spot what looks like a royal mail bag in the background... Rowan?
  14. Whens it on? Only seen it once.
  15. Haha so true. Ordered over the phone and only two words of my address were right and one of them was road
  16. Wahoo your forks are in one piece again! Its fit... like you
  17. Oh thats a joke. Surely they would have designed it to fit a Viz rim? As they are Viz forks? And my try-all is the same width as a viz rim anyway. Edit: I think the wheel could do with tensioning, because thats where the flex is coming from, its not a bad wheel build though so it might just be the hub wobbling. Might have to send them back to tarty and get some vee urbans. Edit: Because nooooooo way am i changing rims, building wheels etc when that wheel is only a couple of weeks old.
  18. Forks are too narrow, not really 'fit for purpose sold' as trading standards would put it. Its not the forks that are flexing though...
  19. Ok got some new Viz forks today after running heatsink adapters on my urbans. Setting the brake up has been a total joke. It currently looks like this... So I've taken all the spacers out, and put them on the outside. The set-up is still shit. The lever pulls in just enough with the little screw thing joining the lever to the cable is all the way out, but it just sponges into the bar and feels like shit. Already phoned tarty - they haven't got any ideas apart from wacking all the spacers on the other side, which i've now done. Its not bodged in any way, the cables are brand new and the lever and callipers are about 2 months old. Anyone got any ideas at all? Edited so it actually makes sense.
  20. Loved that!! Music went really well. Editing was ace. Rail rides were the bestttt. End was sweet too.
  21. If you ever brake an echo bash ring, I'll be impressed. Never heard of one breaking before. Get an echo one the ko thing is ugly.
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