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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Don't radial lace, it saves about 7-8 grams and will snap the flanges off your hub, hence why hope don't warranty their hubs if they have been radial laced.
  2. Will update when I have the patience to wait while all the pictures upload, but heres a taster (my fave shot of the day) Thought I'd better post some more to keep you lot happy... Still more to come though. Same, played with Hungarian Ambassador Drop!! Possie Tom looking at Porter's arse (can you blame him? lol) Mr Ko up to front CAPTION COMPETITION!! Update: Bessell's hook... Extra thanks to photobucket for shagging the quality of all my pictures.
  3. Nope, hoses are just really long. Geo is Wheelbase: 1060 BB Rise: +30 Chainstay length: 380 Head angle: 72
  4. Deng needs to make some new zoos... The current ones have been around ages and everyone likes a bit of change. Same for adamants except they're actually rather nice geo wise.
  5. Nah I don't think he sprayed the rims himself. They're DOB, they do come in that colour. Looks nice.
  6. Extend arms as far upwards as possible I think.
  7. No, zips are about as far away from 990 as you can get. Your t-bird is likely as not 990, but to be sure, why not use a tape measure?!
  8. Is CLS about to reveal his big secret? Edit: Oh what, he was writing a reply for like 15 minutes but didn't post Edit 2: Woo he did
  9. If you don't really know what your doing, buy. Fitting headsets and bb installation is a no-no if all you've really done before is take a seat off.
  10. Its fine. Only buy another freewheel if it starts skipping.
  11. Thats why they invented spell checker.
  12. I heard that anyone who is anyone will be riding Oxford on sunday
  13. Well done, now anyone on the forum that you piss off, knows that your number plate is M352 CRK. If your a wanker - expect lots of 'reported dangerous driving/excessive speeding etc' Nice. P.S. That car looks photoshopped.
  14. The Duck

    My Bike

    High front end. But those pedals!! Not slating your bike, but they are awful hate hate hate those pedals. Really nice though, nice riding frames.
  15. WOW! Sooo nice. Leave it that colour. Wasn't a big fan of the green to be honest. Edit: Weehe matching bed cover
  16. Quite pissed off, forgot to mention, that a certain someone told me when ordering the rim that; Spokes cut to fit an echo rim should be fiiine. But they're about 10mm too long = shit tension. Try-All - here i come.
  17. The Duck

    06 Pure

    I'm sure it'll be nice. Get some new pedals. Edit: I vote lots of silvery bits with some black bits too
  18. Woooow thats rather nice. Looks lighter than the cannibal but its heavier?! And yeah that is a home-made tensioner whoever asked
  19. I'm there, won't be on my own.
  20. Cooooooool Erm, probably around 11, will let you know more accurately when i do...
  21. What! Could you measure the distance between the vee studs? Centre of bolt hole to centre of bolt hole? Mine wouldn't fit even with no spacers on the inside if you get what i mean.
  22. Thanks for the effort! Anyone know where the place in the video is with LOOOOOOADS of pallets is? Only place to ride pallets i know of is round the back of my local homebase and the old chaps in there are starting to get a bit eggy telling us to f**k off...
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