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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. The Duck


    I would toatly understand the 'hes been kicked out' argument, but if hes able to come on the forum, surely he can make his way to the PO?
  2. Nah not joking. I'll dig it up one of these days. Something about riding in damp conditions voids the warrenty, also no parts of the drivetrain are warrantied due to the nature of trials riding.
  3. The Duck

    First Cars.

    Want a clio, my 17th in 10 days... Mark 2 would do, would love a mark 3. 1.4 should do the trick too. Any good lines people have used to persuade their stingy but seemingly well-off dads to get them a car?
  4. Max - Quackers - And erm my old nickname was c**ty, I'll let you do that for yourselves.
  5. Oh ok so you try and be a big man telling me to 'help and not be queer' then when someone else says pretty much the same thing, hes a legend. Shut up you fanny. If you want to call me queer, f**king do it to my face not over the internet.
  6. Don't pin your hopes on the warrenty, they are normally shit. My old onza one reads (something like) "If there is reason to believe, on close inspection of the bike, that it has been used in damp conditions - the warrenty is void"
  7. Pads: Heatsink Red Vee ('08 front / older compound rear) Rim used: Try-All front / Dob rear Grind: Front - Sharp, light / Rear - Medium, never sharp because dobs are wank booster: Nope Brake used: Avid SD7 levers, Shimano XT cables then Front SD7 arms / rear Ultimate arms Previous used pads: Koxx Brown, Echo Red, Zoo, Adamant, Echo New compound, Plaz, Rimjam V3, Rimjam Blue, Phat pads, Heatsink coust, Onza citrus... Review: Love heatsink, these '08 pads are crazy. The bite, hold, noise is mental. Best pads I've ever used, probably going to get some '08 compound for the back too (and a try-all rim). Best pads i've ever used and as you can see, I've used quite a selection.
  8. Damn, wish I'd thought to make a topic about that.
  9. The usual. Me and ryan will be heading up early afternoon. Anyone else about?
  10. what. Your a machine, makes me sick watching your vids.
  11. Ha what a joke. I suppose they might be alright on double disk mods but anything other than that... Dob rims are stupid enough, mines wank. There isn't a lot of point skimping weight on rims imo. Don't get me wrong, I love how light my bike is, but after 2 grinds this Dob rim is flatspotting mentally and cost me £47 posted. Won't be buying one of those again... My advice to anyone, is stick to something strong. Only use silly-light rims if you don't weigh anything or your waaaay smooth or using a disk or made of money. I'd probably use a front rim like these Abants or a DOB if UI was running a disk, but if I was buying - I'd get try-alls.
  12. There’s been loads of discussion about these... But I'll say what I've always said - I used one for around 6 months (until I discovered that mods are stupid and bought a pro 2) and it was fine. Nicest freewheel on the market imo. Didn't skip either, don't know how people have managed to 'make them die' as I was quite a basher on my mod.
  13. Not coming now either.. Nobody to go with Gotta see my dad anyway...
  14. Bit, umm, calling it Ben Savage. Hows about Ben & Rowan? Anyway, really well done to the both of you. Can't wait to see the frames.
  15. Depends... Around 20 - 25%
  16. The Duck

    Zhi News

    I think a frame kit is only a good idea if its going to be relatively cheap. Most people i expect, would want to buy the frame only, if they already had a headset, forks etc. The frame kit option would need to be aimed at beginners?
  17. Haha yep, 32". Saracen Bars if i'm not mistaken, with extenders made for montybars. Looks nice ryan.
  18. Anyone want to stick it on tsvgi.egja.wqw or whatever it is for me? Tried myself but it didn't want to go...
  19. No, because hes not running an 18t front sprocket. Looks REALLY nice. Mint. Edit: Christ, just looked again - i think somebodys got a bit of a thing for chris king
  20. Hm maybe my sidehops aren't as bad as i thought they were... I can do that height and you look shit hot when you do it. Nice, gapping was ballsey too.
  21. The Duck

    Zhi News

    WB: 1075 BB rise: +35 Head Angle: 72 Chainstays: 380 About 90% sure its mod spacing
  22. What the f**k! Everybody was calling me stan shaw all day - i wish. I don't see it myself. But christ, anyone who has ridden oxford before will vouch for how scairy that drop gap is, looks TINY on the video Edit: Just saw that Just noticed that drop gap thing... Don't normally do that, was just a retard attempt, looks well gay. Yeah delta.
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