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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. The Duck


    Yes. Because they used plain gauge spoke i.e. not the ones we have that go thin fat thin.
  2. Dare i ask about the warrenty?
  3. I agree with some things mentioned, not with others. Especially not the 'if its not +0 it must be +60' logic you incorporated. Anyway... Back on topic... Edit: 599 That new too?
  4. Pretty stupid considering hes only saved like 350 grams on my ozonys how it was (no chopped up shit, just parts as they come). Would be nicer with no modifications imo.
  5. Two things... One and, Two
  6. Do Onzas actually have a specific target market? I mean, the only people that seem to by any of them are chavvy little kids who go wheeling around shopping precincts. They are just cheap. These new Koxx bikes are aimed at the younger comp rider. This is crystal clear to me. I admire onza for being a UK company, the new frames they are prospected to kick out soon look pretty smart, but the current range is, well, wank for want of a better word. I'm not educated in the art of frame construction or anything but is it more expensive to make a frame that actually has nice geo? For example the 'Hitman' and 'Cleaner' geometry - No BB rise. Why? The T-Pro, is a good bike. I think this is designed for street riding beginners? Fantastic start, the geo is reasonably similar to other frames. However i find the T-Vee and T-Bird offerings to be... lacking in purpose? To me, they feel like riding a BMX with silly gearing. I think if they could put the cheaper parts onto a T-Pro frame, or a frame more similar to the T-Pro, they'd be onto a winner in my eyes. The first thing to put me off Onza was my first bike - T-Mag '05/'06 i believe. I was a 8 stone child and i managed to snap it? Whats going on there? I seem to remember its RRP to be £279? I do realize this problem was rectified, but as a customer, I wasn't interested in a half price replacement when the product sold to me wasn't fit for purpose (or so I thought? Was I wrong in thinking that?). Just to add, this was slipping down to bash after slipping of a 2ft high wall! Any the Limey (the first Limey), again, what was going on there? Is it that they weren't tested and just released to the public or what? There doesn't seem to be much in the way of top-end stock frames, which I'd like to see, because I think you'd be more that capable of coming up with something pretty decent if you really got your heads down. Sorry for the massive rant, sort of clogging my own thread. Started writing but just didn't stop. Wasn't supposed to be a dig at Onza, there are some questions for them in there somewhere.
  7. SD7 lever (ultimate levers just aren't necessary imo) Ultimate arms XT cable (£6 quid a set off crc and the best cables i've ever used) Heatsink reds Any adaptors do, heatsink ones are noice though. Edit: Don't those onza pad adapters have movement in them?
  8. I went stock from riding mod for a year. Best thing i ever did.
  9. Do you run your wheels that flat to save weight yeah? (Sozzled tramp referring to my low pressures in my tyres)
  10. Oxford friday for all us little kiddies at college who still get half term.
  11. Edit: Bit harsh... Pretty un-thrilling though
  12. Looks pretty good to meee... Wheelbase: 980mm BB rise: +40mm Wheelbase: 990mm BB rise: +45mm Rather nice I think?! The numbers indicate their RRP in euros.
  13. Hm thats a bit... bad. Heard about a set of these snapping a few months ago i think? I like Try-All: Cranks, bash rings, Freewheels (despite rumors of them 'blowing up' mine was ace), and rims, i would say stems, but i've never used one and some people snap them apparently.
  14. Yeah trialsman. But deltabikes will also order you in any koxx frame you want if you give 'em a ring. Also i expect tarty would do the same.
  15. Do you actually base any of this shit you say on personal experience or is it all just speculation/bullshit?
  16. When you buy viz forks from tarty, they give you a star nut aswel as the built in topcap. The threads don't go all the way down so when you cut the steerer, you need to bash the starnut in. Don't get them anyway - don't know if the tarty ones are slightly different/newer/better (they come with a different topcap and they only started stocking viz stuff recently) but the t-uk ones bend. Bessell's bent, so did Porters. Bessells within 2 weeks, and Porters after riding for an hour.
  17. Oh my god. Just burn them or chuck them in a river or something. The are good for nothing. The f**k up the geo on mods, look GAY on stocks. They are the same as the 'standard onza streight blade forks' because guess what - the forks are the same with the mounts welded differently - just like the smart guys. If i see you make another topic thats asking for people to slate your forks I'm going to scream.
  18. Christ! Somebody is a bit of a tank for a 13 year old... Wish i was that good at 13 (didn't start til i was 15 mind...)
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