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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Well done for bumping a 5 month old topic. Its not even a good one.
  2. The Duck

    Max - Video 1

    Thanks for comments! Each to their own i suppose. Was mostly to-fronts though, i can do other things... lol
  3. I do love heatsink to bits. And i do love this. But, the dropouts do look a bit... Not quite right. I'm no expert anyway. Anyway, love it otherwise. Good work.
  4. The Duck

    Max - Video 1

    Cheers for all the comments guyths Yeah Inur, still 18:17. Tried 16 on the back the other day and felt all wrong... Pro2 is fiiine. Just trying a different drive set-up that wont involve the old pro2. And yeah, 'properly' sponsored by delta.
  5. The Duck

    Max - Video 1

    tut tut! Fairly new online trials shop. Growing popularity now too, due to having the cheapest prices on everything + service equivalent to tarty i expect .
  6. The Duck

    Max - Video 1

    Sort of video 1.5? As i did wack some clips up a few months ago, but they were all from one ride, so not really a video. Also, since i started making it, I've improved a fair bit so I look at most of it and think . But meh, at least I'll be able to see my progression in years to come. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Comments please!
  7. Yeah... Will probably do next weekend. Also, joe [Joey B] won't be going down on his own, so thats him out. Edit: Can't write his user name in brackets because it comes up as a face with sunglasses. So that makes it 1. You 2. Dave (mrkoxx) 3. Rossy g 4. Elcristoff (on the sexy stock wink3.gif ) 5. Chris elson 6. Dan brooker 7. matt b ?? 8. baz ??
  8. Me: Those new montys are like +55 aren't they? Porter: Nah, no way kenny would ride that, its +25 or something lol Nah sodd that, bb is too high.
  9. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummarySweet, bargain, fast postage, arrived as expected. Given By: Quackers!! You were the: Seller Date: 1205775748
  10. mmm, Not so sure... Think about the quantity of frames deng sells, granted his frames aren't as innovitive etc as the stuff koxx is chucking out at the moment. I think its fair to say most people on this forum have owned a deng frame, if not a frame, some sort of deng component. I don't think the same is true for koxx? Anyway I'm going to shut up, making it sound like a prefer deng to koxx, when infact the opposite is the case.
  11. Working on it... Those sidehops yesterday were a turn up for the books though, going to go measure them in a minute (i'm like 5 mins walk away) Anyway... Daves fit.
  12. Whats the geo? Found it somewhere before, but can't find it again now...
  13. lol grinded Depends what pads your using at the moment and how warn your grind is and how well your brake is set up, as said by others.
  14. Its a big hop, about my bar height (high rise stem and monty bars on a stock, good 3-4 inches above dave's bar height) camera just distorted it (in all the pictures )
  15. Was having a conversation about this the other day... There really isn't any point him spending money on his websites. He already has all the business he can cope with, he doesn't have to impress the consumer, thats the retailers' job, the only good reason he would have to razz up his website was if he was trying to attract more retailers, which hes not. So for him, financally, its a bit of a pointless activity.
  16. The Duck


    http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....=115761&hl= Just the once would have done, but the state its in, not at all would have been better. Blue cranks and bash with pink rims?
  17. As said, looks fittah in the flesh.
  18. Yes. Go here instead. But you might find, if your looking at pads, that these guys are cheaper, service is just as good too.
  19. First 2 hours will be lots of footage rain, rest of the time will be sweet though. DON'T BE PUT OFF IF ITS RAINING IN THE MORNING I'll be there at 11.30 (probably just inside the station door rather than at the bull getting wet)
  20. First one I've seen and not liked. The orange rims don't do anything for it, apart from anything else, they colour clash really bad with the red bore cap and dust caps. Don't suit it at all imo. Sure it rides nice though...
  21. No way. £250 max, if your luckey.
  22. Cool. Your english is probably better than mine. Hope to ride with you soon, namely - oxford next weekend.
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