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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Levelboss is nice. Black rim ont front. Ped is nice too, shame its a ped though. Moto trials doesn't do it for me I'm afraid.
  2. Its an ok bike, shame hes just had a look through the website, found the most expensive item in each category thats in stock, and had that. Not at all what i would have chosen, his choice though i suppose. Love tarty.
  3. Sick Ross. Can see from the vid the toxin was shocking, much better off on the control. That gap at the rocks was huuuge. Restekpa. And the one infront of the door on suday was rather large too. Ride soon x
  4. Chriiiist. Not sure if that makes me want to ride or just give up Love to Photo By Sergio.
  5. What, the ancient one with curved top tube (like current T-Bird)? - Wank.
  6. No he hasn't, and no it wasn't. lol Mint build on that ko though, shame about the frame. That ancient python craig posted up is/was a beaut. Will post mine up when I'm on me other computer.
  7. The Duck

    Gu Le 08

    lol ash Was just thinking 'eh? Am i missing something?... He rides stock and mod geo is flying about
  8. No the frames aren't weak. They are f**king sick. I loved mine to bits till I snapped it. I had one of the early ones, bought it before they altered the design to make them strong as anything. Geo felt spot on, compared to my '07 Python and a stupid bastarding Ko. Anyway, get one. Just get shot of that horrible blue anodizing.
  9. Christ! Gentle giant or still a basher?
  10. The Duck

    Dob Rims

    http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....=110804&hl= And, just to add my own review... They're wank. Grind up badly, lasted 2 grinds before it flatspotted like there was no tomorrow, finish/look was dreadful. Biggest waste of just under £50 ever...
  11. lol bessell. Aren't you too scared to ride it properly? Oxford (or somewhere in this direction) soon. I'll text you. <3 p.s. its fit.
  12. For 'Joey B' He was the one on the black t-pro with gold forks. Youtube Video -> Original Video
  13. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryExactly as described, very happy. Came all the way from coventry to deliver to me in oxford in person! Ace. Given By: Quackers!! You were the: Trader Date: 1206133009
  14. 9/10 for the geo on the stock. Slightly steeper head angle would have made it.
  15. Ah, sorry. Don't spend a lot of time in trials chat. :$
  16. ... as its the ugliest bike I've ever seen. Trimble full Carbon fiber vintage mountain Trials bike
  17. Will be down on friday if thats any good?
  18. Aww. That was mine originally.
  19. The Duck

    Max - Video 1

    Pissed myself reading that. You just made my day.
  20. Was it f**k. It was 1045/1050 with echo lites. (You measure wheelbase from centre of bolt to centre of bolt)
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