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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Nah I don't think so, I think it just looks better because hes riding street which, generally speaking, is more impressive to watch than natty. I think if he made a street video on the Ozonys he'd be just as good as he was on the MBK.
  2. The Duck

    Best Brake ?

    The Joy pad/Phat pad set-up on a medium sharp grind I'm running at the moment is pretty hot.
  3. £35-£40 if it came to selling them. I've got the same bars and I'm using extenders that a friend of a friend made. Apparently the old try-all rage bars are snappy happy? I can't really see it myself, but I wouldn't/haven't risked it because I would like to reach old age with an intact face.
  4. Couldn't have said it better myself. It is nice though, bet it rides fiiit. Combo of tyres and rims do make it look like a barbie bike though. Edit: Interesting to see what they'll be like when they have been muddied a bit.
  5. Thanks tom turd. Haven't seen that before, was there ever a time when he wasn't a monster or was he just born like that?
  6. I think its very sad. Most of the time on Smart he was a very happy chappy (and pretty hot shit when it came to arty things), can't imagine him hanging himself.
  7. You wanted comments so i commented? Please please please don't start an argument.
  8. 'Mayzin Good choice of colour scheme.
  9. Actually no, it does have other benefits. I've done it to my tyres too, apart from saving weight (its saves hardly any though), they tyres shed mud more efficiently and also (I'm taking bessell's word for this) they grip better. I couldn't tell you if they grip better or not because I swapped from Schwalbe to a Maxxis, hacked away at the Maxxis before I'd even ridden it. But what i can tell you its that it grips very well how it is. Edit: Did you actually cut off all the nobs on your rear tyre? If so, the word used to describe you above was probably accurate. They cut every other nob on the outside rows of their rear tyres. Any more than that and you must have a death wish. I think Giacomo Coustellier might have cut all the tread off his front tyre (bit daft IMO)
  10. 0 out of 100 for imagination. 4 out of 10 for knowledge, as 3 of the parts on your list don't actually exist (which I've highlighted in red), also the Geo on the Czar long mod and a ciguena couldn't be more different, so I'm guessing your basing it all on what looks nice to you over performance?
  11. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF... Monster! Absolutely crazy - as usual.
  12. Urgh, that colour scheme is awful.
  13. Bit uncalled for? Koxx frames are generally mega stiff. Certainly all the ones i've been on have been. (Levelboss, Hydroxx and the Boxx is crazy-stiff) Hydroxx frames are nice, but the head angle lets them down a bit IMO. Edit: Here is an example of how a hydroxx SHOULD NOT look. Here is an example of how one should look, that is gorgeous.
  14. Yeah dave. Looks nice. I hope you got money off because the ko cracked
  15. Fakin' ell. Forget different forks, get some slim fast. How can Damon Watson do inhuman hooks and front wheel gaps and not bend his forks...
  16. I'll try and get a picture of Dan Brooker's, hes managed to do it and make it look alright. Don't know why hes got a downtube protector when hes running ffw with no bash though - Captain Smooth
  17. I'm sick to death of these topics. Theres like 3 per page on NMC.
  18. Just the once would have done fine. Nice pics mike. Edit: Love this one... Also, Benito has funny arm hair.
  19. I believe you have to buy a normal BMX hub and buy an iso hub shell separately. Very nice.
  20. Hope will charge you about £35 for a new hub shell. Don't bother, quieter hubs give the illusion of being smoother (to me they do anyway).
  21. Cut steerer, higher stem and maybe even some higher bars like monty or viz risers and it'll be mint.
  22. Can't believe i got involved with this topic... I won't post in it again.
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