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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Anybody coming - please leave your name here.
  2. Good work. I want Gilles's bike. Suppose I wouldn't say no to the other two either...
  3. 1. Sam Jones 2. Danny Kearns 3. Max Hunt 4. Ryan Iley 5. Joe Bayliss 6. Daniel Gunston 7. Carl Stanton 8. Tom Munday 9. Tom Webb 10. George Fathers 11. Nick Goddard 12. Sam Wheeler Included locals that have come every year, this year will be no different. Edit: Oh. not forgetting...
  4. Aww, would of come... I will have got back from a week of solid riding the night before so I think not. Bit early 11th of may isn't it?
  5. Sweet! Not that I'll ever get to that stage, but good for those who do.
  6. Signed it. Not trying to be a party pooper, but if my/other locals experience with various governing bodys is anything to go by - theres not much chance in you succeeding. The number of meetings, petitions, letters and discussions, regarding a trials park around here, there have been are astronomical. We are no closer to getting one that we would have been if we sat around and did nothing. Worth a try though I suppose. Edited so it makes sence.
  7. So there is some money in trials...
  8. Normally three of my fingers go one mine, if not 4. I trust them, mine are metal and aren't going to budge.
  9. f**k me, I swear bessell has got a death wish. I'm a big pussy though so what would I know.
  10. Thats what I thought... Apparently the ones with the longer arm required to run a bigger sprocket will be available in may if my memory serves me right. Don't know why I know this stuff, I'm not even planning on getting one...
  11. Stick with a maggy. I've used everything and maggys are best. Disks are the worst (for me) because every time I f**k up a side hop, I'd land on the rotor. So would cost me around £80 a ride
  12. I haven't used one, its a rohloff really... So get one, they are a bargain. But unless things have changed, I think the only ones tarty have in stock can only be run with a 14t or smaller rear sprocket, bigger sizes are out soon.
  13. Can't remember how I came across this, but wanted to know if anybody thought it was worth doing. Not 100% sure exactly what it consists of, sounds like a plug that you shove down your seat tube on your frame, which immediately causes problems for us lot. In theory its a good idea in my opinion, for those (like myself) who can't really afford bike insurence but still, for want of a better phrase, poo themselves about their bike getting stolen. Don't know what they mean by solid and split frames though? Link to their website, section regarding bikes is about half way down the page.
  14. Nice, looks really clean. Hate big bettys though, they just don't work on natty or in the wet
  15. Call me vein, but I don't want to add insult to injury. Don't think my bike looks that bad anyway...
  16. Panther hahahahaha looks a bit like samuel jackson's physique.
  17. And are still arse ugly as are all trials shoes. If somebody made some half-decent trials shoes which you wouldn't be too embarrassed to go into a shop to buy a drink, or something, wearing - I think loads of people would buy them. I just can't bring myself to buy any because they are so unbearabley gay looking.
  18. Yep. Bet its like terminator 3 (total flop).
  19. Nice helmets Bit of a change from TGS
  20. Really like that, forks and cranks make it a bit different... Get a video out!
  21. Just sorted out your post for you. Just like to say, pads don't 'turn crap when you get to the middle' chances are you just need to set them up properly. Somebody I ride with runs MOE vee pads on the front with a light grind - brilliant brake.
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