What the f**k? Can't believe your even considering it. For a start, you can get more than that for a bog standard part time job. I know two people that work 3 days a week and are on £16K, all they are qualified to are A-levels. Granted, desk jobs aren't something you want to do - me neither! But find a compromise. Do something your vaguely interested in, that pays vaguely well, and just do bikes etc after work and on weekends. If you find yourself 3 years down the line thinking 'ah, this is shit, i hate my life and i want to kill myself' you could go and be a tool@evanscycles then. Or even better, in your time after and around doing academic job 'x' you could start your own bike related business? Its obvious to me that your not thick, from your posts and from meeting you in person - it'll just take a bit of effort now to try and pull something out of the bag at college. Do it, two fingers to evans cycles.