Ok, Made a massive for sale topic quite recently, easiest way for people to pay is paypal... After the first couple of transactions I get this - I go through the required shit, then get to this blah blah upgrade to a PayPal Business Account blah blah It completely assumes that I'm a business, which I'm very not, I'm only 17 so shouldn't be using paypal anyway (supposed to be 18 but I've been using it since I was 14 with no problems). They already changed my account about a year ago into a different type, can't remember what its called, but all it meant was that it charged me even more in fees per transaction. I suspect its going to do the same again, which is f**king gay. Anybody else had this? And/or know of a sensible way to solve it? Edit: Just read through it again, its starting to make more sense... I think what its saying is, in the last 12 months I've received over £650 as of the 20th of may, and when I recieve £1,700 (thats over £1000 more) I need to upgrade my account so I get charged more. Well they can f**k off, already skinned me on every lot of money that comes in, I'll just make another account with a different card I think.