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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. The Duck

    Dan Brooker

    Tank. Dan Brooker is a machine.
  2. Hm. f**k that methinks. Its been pissing it down since I woke up and is showing no signs of stopping. Don't really fancy spending £17 on a train to hide under something in bristol to stop getting soaked.
  3. In a bit of a state is it not?
  4. WTF?! Yeah sick. Really liked that. So much better on a big boys bike. Yes.
  5. pussy! Did it this morning first time.
  6. What have you done? Was about a million times nicer before.
  7. I voted front disk even though I run maggy. I do like my maggy, its just so f**king noisy, get sick of it sometimes. Had an, '05 I think, Louise FR and it was the nicest brake... Then one day it just went to shit, played around with it for ages - nothing. So sold it on ebay. I'll probably get another one at some point, but I've got a non-disk front wheel now, and for the brake and wheel set-up I'd want its about £240, which I haven't got.
  8. shit shit shit pub - revise for life changing exams tomorrow - pub - exams - pub - exams Ah, Pub. Edit: And I don't even like football
  9. Yerp. A little Chinese birdy told me that the '08 python geo is based on the '04 one.
  10. Pedal kicks ay? I take it thats tapping? I think I can do a bit over 40"? I heard if you did pedal kicks on a Koxx it has to be called pedal kixx...
  11. The Duck


    No extra charges?
  12. The Duck


    Ok, Made a massive for sale topic quite recently, easiest way for people to pay is paypal... After the first couple of transactions I get this - I go through the required shit, then get to this blah blah upgrade to a PayPal Business Account blah blah It completely assumes that I'm a business, which I'm very not, I'm only 17 so shouldn't be using paypal anyway (supposed to be 18 but I've been using it since I was 14 with no problems). They already changed my account about a year ago into a different type, can't remember what its called, but all it meant was that it charged me even more in fees per transaction. I suspect its going to do the same again, which is f**king gay. Anybody else had this? And/or know of a sensible way to solve it? Edit: Just read through it again, its starting to make more sense... I think what its saying is, in the last 12 months I've received over £650 as of the 20th of may, and when I recieve £1,700 (thats over £1000 more) I need to upgrade my account so I get charged more. Well they can f**k off, already skinned me on every lot of money that comes in, I'll just make another account with a different card I think.
  13. So wheres the difficult decision? Dj ride mike, you know you want it.
  14. The Duck


    Yeah there was one more, couldn't bring myself to put it in because I look so so gay. I think the one I included after by freewheel skipping is bad enough for looking gay... lol
  15. Ok, think I over did it a tad at the weekend. Woke up monday morning after riding saturday and sunday, with a funny pain/ache in my mid/lower back on the left side only. Feels like something is trying to jump out of my ribcage... Its gradually got worse, and in the last half an hour or so its started absolutely killing me. Originally it was just when I stood up straight or arched my back, but now its all the time. Don't want to go to the doctors because I want to ride this weekend, and if he says 'rest it' mum won't let me, even though I'm 17 - big and ugly enough to make decisions for myself. Any advice?
  16. That is cool. Why isn't it the law that everybody has to do that? (rhetorical question)
  17. Cleeean. Love it. How much did that set him back? If its under 2K I'll be very impressed!
  18. The Duck


    lol Love dave. See you on monday. Cheers for comments.
  19. I love full build koxx bikes. I'm yet to see one I don't like. Blue rims wouldn't have been my preference personally, still looks really nice though.
  20. I happen to have a Gu TP mod for sale...
  21. The Duck


    and f**kING hot. It was baking when we were there, and that weather was pants by their standards. Thanks for all the comments Just watched it properly and noticed how radioactively white I look, and how gay those black shorts really are...
  22. The Duck


    Ok, as a lot of people know - Me, Ryan and Joe went to Buthiers forest in france a couple of weeks ago for a week... This is the footage. The massive writing in green over joe playing solitaire explains why he isn't in it much... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9VGK1aUDCWE Comments!!
  23. I seem to remember somebody posting pictures of a set they broke aaaaages ago. But don't quote me on that. Loads of people I ride with use them, and some aren't the lightest or smoothest of people, they'll be fiiine.
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