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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. 'kin hell that sidehop over the Ko... Looks good, noticeably lighter than the echo(s)?
  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, full build koxx bikes are beautiful. Somebody would have to do something pretty special to make them look bad. Ace
  3. I beg to differ, I got into the bridge twice and I'm like 12. Frigging Camilla got in too. They are up tight about age in most places at the start of the night but as it gets later they couldn't give a shit in my experience.
  4. Thats rather... Wank. I thought it was only the old ones that did that. Get some echo cranks, you'll never break them.
  5. I think carrier bags are the least of my/our worrys? Laughed when I was using one of those self service touch screen jobbies in M&S simply food the other day and it asked me how many carrier bags I'd used at 5p each.
  6. Must be long, the shorts look so short (due to 70.5 headangle + small wheelbase) Looks really nice, shiny shiny shiny!
  7. Sorry about the car suggestion, thoughtless of me/Ryan.
  8. Thats right! Looks ok... Hope they don't got for the silver and dodgy green colours again...
  9. Valuable input there.
  10. The Duck


    Saving money. I'm at college, and get a pretty small income, which I tend to spend on the usual train tickets/drinks etc. I have massive difficulty saving any money... All I can really think of is setting up a separate bank account, purely for saving, that I'll only dip into for something to 'treat myself' as it were or if I absolutely have to. Just wondered if anybody had any genius ways of saving? On another, but still relevant, note - summer jobs? Any good ideas where/how? Would be much appreciated too.
  11. Yes, and when your stumped buy somebody with minge in their username, you know your in trouble.
  12. Edit: Just read the rest of the topic...
  13. The Duck

    Dob Rims

    Or a Try-All because they don't make stock monty rims widely available and the neon rims are too thin?
  14. Mint. Thats the nicest bike I've seen in a very long time. Whats the geo Stan? With particular emphasis on the headangle!! It'd better be 72.5...
  15. Fancy a car to ride anybody? Would this be ok sam? One of ryans 3 old heaps of rubbish would do nicely... EDIT: Train station is called radley train station dave x
  16. In brief - Trust OBM. He knows everything there is to know about everything thats worth knowing about.
  17. If your clueless, get a shop to install; The headset, the bottom bracket and the chain. Rest is simple.
  18. mmmm They were all/mostly called Zoo Video __ and theres been under 40 zoo videos, and more than just CLS and Tunni... Congratulations, your a TF world record holder.
  19. Joe Maher video archive. Cross topic from the world records one... World record for the largest amount of bike trials videos uploaded to youtube for one rider?
  20. Most European countries use a comma instead of a full stop as a decimal point. Edit: KMC headtube sticker? Interesting...
  21. Really really nice. Any chance of a spec?
  22. This leads me to thinking the neon rim is wankered.
  23. Stocks are better.But you suit mod more. So I chose mod.
  24. Instead of something smaller, maybe you should think about getting something trials specific?
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