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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Yeah. However, then your still left with - cage pedals are wank...
  2. Mph. Virgin tend to be wanktastic when it comes to bikes. Their trains are the ones where you have 3 hooks from the roof/ceiling at either end of the train. Got on one a few months ago with somebody running a pair of big arse maxxises, neither of which would fit over the hooks. The steward was giving us grief (i.e. I'm afraid you'll have to get off the train) but we just let the air out - job done. Point being, they are more strict than others about it.
  3. In my experience, they'll only let you have six bikes on a train at a time. For this its a good idea to reserve bike space, which you can do as long as you book tickets at least a day in advance. Only thing I can think of is putting a couple of the bikes in some bike bags (as seen on CRC) and sticking them in the normal luggage compartment?
  4. Urgh. So if one was planning a big spend, now would be the time to do it? Edit: Just to add, looking at other Try-All retailers in other countrys tartys price on the Ti-nesium pedals are the best by a considerable amount.
  5. Ah nuts. They had some about a week ago.
  6. Alans BMX have some, if you phone them up (not on their website) I believe
  7. hahaha exactly what I said yesterday. With an added, Sojos is wank.
  8. Thats why they make a 'long' I'd buy the short though, thats what mods are for. With the exception of pythons.
  9. Don't know if its already been said, but... I was having a 'current affairs' sort of chat with my economist dad and my uncle who is/was vice chairman of Goldman Sachs. Discovered that this is yet another topic they could talk me to death on... All the 'easy oil' has been found. Oil companys are going to have to make some serious effort to locate more, although there is more. Crude oil is at 135 USD (give or take a little bit) a barrel currently (media along with everybody else was going crazy when it reached $100). Goldmans reckons its going to reach $200 per barrel, stay there, then eventually go back down pretty quickly. This is making people holding, say $10m in oil stocks that they bought 6 months ago, to keep holding on to it. Bit of a no-brainer, do you sell it now to stop people getting annoyed, or do you wait a bit longer and line your pockets..? Obvious. So these fat cat oil stockists will hold on to this oil as long as they can so they can make the most money out of it. However, because there are so many of these people holding oil stocks, what will inevitably happen, due to their own greed, is - They'll wait as long as they possibly can to sell, so as soon as the market shows any sign of devaluing - they sell up. With all these people selling up their huge stocks of oil at the same time, the price will fall because there will be so much supply, and the same old constant level of demand. My dad flipped my thinking around by saying that - Short term, everybody is wingeing about high petrol prices. Long term, this is making car companys/any body else who fancys it put A LOT of thought and serious money into researching new ways to run things i.e. batteries etc (bit more complicated than batteries, but you get the idea). Thats probably been f**king hard to read because I'm writing this at way past my bed time, but trust me - I'm talking sense. Edit: Hahahaha Just found out on google that my uncle is non-executive director of Yell Group PLC (Thats yellow pages to you and me). Looool.
  10. Haha, went on the Ozonys site and noticed him literally 10 minutes ago. The mod looks gorgeous.
  11. Preload loads, jump and pull hard. Also, try to spend less time setting up on the back wheel - waste of energy.
  12. Seriously impressed... Come back to look at this again and again. Can't believe they didn't keep the 72.5 headangle are you noticing the difference much?
  13. Do Hydroxx stocks ride nicely? The ones I've ridden do feel nice, but a little wierd. I don't know if its just set-ups/tyre pressure. I did think it was because my Ozonys has got an unusual headangle (72.5) and the Hydroxx is 71.5... But, then I went on a mate's Gu LE, with the same headangle as a Hydroxx and it feels pretty comfortable... I was convinced I wanted one... Is it just me?
  14. Erm... The 89.99 one has the same parts included with CRC's deal.
  15. The Duck

    Best Brake ?

    CNC Phat pads, Medium grind (I don't need harsh), 2-bolt booster running the spacers on top [try it, you'll see the light] Never tried phat pads on a harsh grind, would be INSANE with my setup... Hmmmm... Edit: Riding today on my seriously dull grind, my brake was seriously good.
  16. Its just not necessary to take that shit. I won't say any more, but there really is no point. On the other hand... Its pretty funny when your at school. Ecstasy doesn't deserve to be class A in fairness, it doesn't f**k people up equivalently to other class As (crack?)... If your really really feel you have to, just give mild pills a go first. As in don't go near X-men/Doves or any of the stronger ones up there first, do Euros or something weaker. Bottom line is, its not worth the hassle. Or the risk for that matter. Also, knew loads of people that used to smoke spliff and pop Es in a big way - now they are all f**ked up/dopeys. With no exception. Also, it hasn't been investigated in depth enough as yet, as far as I know... But, stuff like this does have a lasting effect on you. In short, makes your head do funny things. One last point thats going to make me sound like my own mother, but if your doing it for G points with the laydarse, the laydarse in question aren't worth going near. Edit: Don't read this, read The Scientist's post, hes got it all figured out. However, E is £2 a pill in these parts, rather than the £4 in his parts.
  17. Ash is pretty spot on... But yeah, with some things, they key is to just think 'ah, f**k it' like with scary gaps etc. Just block out the bad stuff that could happen and get on with it.
  18. Loved that today. f**king knackered now though.
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