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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Is he related to Aurelien? Edit: Looks nice though, geo is good. Also, not sure about the f**k off toxin style seat tube...
  2. Looks nice tom. New colour is in order though. I'll second that about the '07 Pure... Headangle is awful.
  3. Yeeeeah Nick. I saw it. Delivered the tape to them this morning Porter and Bessell taking the limelight as per usual Was really cool to see it on TV, very sad at the same time though, sick feeling seeing the footage from the time. Edit: Also, Alex - top job getting it on there.
  4. Bet that disk is absolutely rubbish with that rotor. Good spec-wise apart from that though.
  5. Just a sneak preview of some of my shots, the rest will be apearing shortly (when I've edited them...). I'm quite pleased with them, mostly taken in the middle of the day so the colours are pretty strong... Dave static to back Matt Burows arm pump *insert name here* nice little up to front, very tidy Jack on a mod!! with his black bird helmet. Massive frenchie from Stan. Not even trying to hide how easy it was... Wheres the gurn?! Fred, caught in the background being strange Bit of a photoshop fiddle with spode John Shrewsbury holding Mike's tripod Ali C with massive sidehop Stanton!! Dan Ko tuck Ali C's rediculess gap Bessell's Sex face with Mike just about to birst into tears in the background Thats about two thirds of them...
  6. Sick Adam, some really good pictures. Somebodys got their depth of field skills dialed... Edit: Really like the last B+W one with Rossy's Tee in colour.
  7. Nah, you can't get them anywhere now, not even from Bruno. Looks niiiiice.
  8. DJ Memorial Ride Reflection Thread
  9. Got home about half an hour ago. Sunburnt to a crisp, but otherwise really really enjoyed myself. Great day. Nice to see so many people still turning up to remember DJ. Massive thanks to Charlie, Sue and Sam for organizing the day and making sure everything ran smoothly, massive time and effort went into organizing it and everybody is very grateful.
  10. Skips are now in place laydarse. Pallets will by at 6 o'clock this evening.
  11. When I flicked onto 'Dave' the other night desperately searching for something to watch, Ice Road Truckers was on. They were talking about different kinds of Ice and how the transparent stuff is the strongest and if its completely white its dangerously weak I chuckled to myself and changed to desperate housewives on another equivalently wank channel. Edit: And as for you lot complaining about the name... what is this world coming to indeed? It doesn't even say the name on the frame!
  12. New ones added. Some of you rossy! Got more to come too.
  13. If by drap gap you mean drop gap - I got jack doing it.
  14. By popular demand (Bessel and Dave) here are about half of the pictures from reading on sunday and a couple of Rossy from Friday... The rest will come when I've got a minute spare. These are mostly the ones of Bessell, got some of Jack... Ones from friday... Bessel bridging to back on a ball that was rather high up Same again from a different angle... And again... Same bridge to back by G Didn't get Jack doing it But he did, and it was very good. Watching porn on Nick's camera again... (heh heh) Vince hooking a box... (successfully) Tall Rob and Dave demonstrating height of said box... Lol. Dan DBdesignin' it up on a sculpture thing (complete with wobbly ball). Hooking Rossy demonstrating height of the hook... Crushing cans Bessell sidehop to rail Matt Burrows Vince rail riding So wishes do come true... More than one Jack Meek!
  15. Dual maggy. Disk are gay and don't hold, vees just don't work (unless your Ali C).
  16. The Duck

    My 06 Pure

    Spraying your bike without taking it apart ***.
  17. Looks very nice indeed. Like the subtle green a lot.
  18. Only if its the one that stops at every station (little blue ones rather than big black/purple ones) Its 3.90 return oxford to radley
  19. The gate clips were shit hot. Rest was pretty average. Gate was properly inspiring though, monster.
  20. Ok, trying this constructive criticism lark... He was quite good at dancing. On the other hand, 1. He looks like a wanker (sweat bands, echo cap at jaunty angle etc.) 2. Obviously isn't very bright. 2 and a half. He has an irritatingly limited vocabulary (including 'That was the greatest performance I've ever done' and 'wow') 3. Looked like he was having a fit. 4. Playing the - I'm a poor boy from the ghetto card - which I don't buy. 5. The electric orchestra was about a million times better. So, to summarize, hes a good dancer but in all other aspects hes an irritating little b*****d who didn't deserve to win.
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