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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Really like that. Gold bash wouldn't be my choice though.
  2. The Duck

    Top Gear

    So the verdict is - its quite shit. Hmm. I <3 Top Gear.
  3. The Duck

    Top Gear

    Joint best with Never Mind the Buzzcocks.
  4. Bessell: Have you got a timer on your camera? Me: Got a remote Bessell: RIIIGHT EVERYBODY ON THE BUS That was pretty much it.
  5. Yes fat pants! Caw... I'm famous. Some good little pictures there.
  6. Few more... Nearly half way through editing... Don't worry spodey - I've got a couple of you.
  7. Just the bus pictures to stop me being nagged... Will update with the rest in due corse. Heh heh... Rabble. Edit: Ghost people
  8. Mint pics as per usual Ads. Lol - Tarty bitch. Looks cool. Is it just me or do the side hops in pictures 2 and 3 look absoloutely crazy?
  9. Looks rather gorgeous. Koxx forxx are in order I reckons, apart from that and the front wheel your replacing - very nice indeed.
  10. Good going. I'll be impressed if it actually get the go-ahead. Insurance hasn't been mentioned at all? Which you will need for the council to agree, and this is not cheap or easy to achieve. As for the 'online petition with over 40 people signing it' hahahaha petitions have been handed in with hundreds if not thousands of signatures around here and absolutely nothing has been done. Good luck anyway.
  11. Yes. Tuff guys are wank. I've just spent £46 to shed 70g (£1 every 0.65g), so £1 for every 10g is pretty good going.
  12. Nice pictures Sam. But oh my god, photo 2 is such a rip off of mine!! I was on the floor with my camera, and you came and plonked your camera about 20cm away from mine and took the same photo. Cheeky!! Edit: Hahaha you can see me doing it in the first picture!!
  13. The Duck


    Not sure if theres a problem, text him a couple of times on tuesday and rang twice but got nothing... We shal see.
  14. What. Not very good at street? Riiight... Modest doesn't quite say it.
  15. Lol. Yeah looks mental Adam. In all seriousness thats the only mod I've been on that I've liked, and I loved it.
  16. The Duck


    He won't piss you around anyway so don't fret!
  17. In fairness you can't really over tighten them, if you do the lever blade doesn't move. Unless you mean the bar clamp? Edit: Read through... Lol. Yeah over tightening... In that case mine are probably over tight...
  18. The Duck


    Sorry Ross! Yeah, just text him.
  19. Oh my god, why is everybody retarded. If your running the echo pads on a smooth rim; 1. Its a crap brake unless your streety (streety as in Shrewers), but I'm guessing by your choice of rim that thats not the case... So this would point the answer towards changing brake set-up. 2. If they are wearing down 1mm a ride, chances are you got a dodgy set. The wear rate is bad, but not bad enough to wear that much on a smooth rim. Which would also point the answer towards changing brake set-up. Answer - Get some proper pads. In any other circumstances I'd say get a grind, but with a DOB rim thats chucking money down the drain really. Encase you didn't know - DOB rims have a reputation for grinding up badly and not holding the grind. Therefore meaning 'one' has to grind one's rim more often, therefore shortening the rim life because it'll be more prone to flat spotting, AAAnd the rim life for this particular type of rim is rather short regardless. Edit: Classifying retardedness (and otherwise going in for the kill) in an attempt to avoid argument/repercussions - Well, no. If you actually read the post, the problem is in them being too soft. Which, having used them, I can safely say they are. Again, this is where all the reading practice you do at school comes in handy - it says 'smooth rim'
  20. Sunday sunday sunday + weather forecast = wank wank wank! If the weather is ok I might show my face.
  21. The Duck


    I've seen your open gob many times... Its fiiiine. Nobody ever sees your bottom teeth, because your one of the massive majority of people who doesn't contract every muscle in their face when they smile (like my dentist, funnily enough ). And your top ones are ever so slightly bockety. They just aren't dead streight - they do look fine and thats coming from somebody who is actually obsessive about teeth (all the 'Shes quit hot...' 'Yeah but look at her f**king teeth' conversations). Don't worry about it, braces til your almost 19 would be gay and unnecessary.
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