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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Reminds me of me a bit... Even goes to front a little bit when he sidehops like me Good video, maybe a bit too many sidehops, still enjoyed it though.
  2. Tajikistan has 0 downloads. Using it now... Pretty... Usual? Home Icon looks a bit gay, thats about it.
  3. It just pisses me off when people winge and wine about not being validated when they clearly just aren't making the effort. If you 'can't spell' (which is a load of wank in itself, but thats another story) - your on a computer! Use f**king spell checker! Don't talk shit, don't make repeat topics, use the search, spell properly, add some valuable input occasionally and you will be validated. The only thing on that list that you couldn't do if you made a little bit of effort is valuable input, due to lack of experience/knowledge. Which is fair enough I suppose, but, we've all been there - just read up or whatever. All the god knows how many people that are validated have managed it. And in answer to the topic title - NMC has always been full of shit, thats why I try not to venture in here much to prevent me from coming across as a grumpy old wanker, and that is why the validation system exists. Without it, any old tom dick or harry could and would clog every thread with 'buy my mission prodigy' and 'what r the best break padz?' and 'do i get a 20 inch or a 26 inch' etc etc etc...
  4. Yeah sounds like smooth rims with tar. Should wear a helmet. I know its probably been said a million times...
  5. Yes dave! Yeah 11 at the station sounds fine.
  6. Mint. Looks really good, finally a 135mm frame. Really nice geo. REALLY light.
  7. Yeah.. Just got back from riding oxford today... Rocks were amazingly good today so going to go back on saturday... Just wondered if anyone else fancied joining us?
  8. The Duck

    Top Gear

    Can think of a lot of cars I'd rather turn up in... Its just a Japanese toy really... Not a touch on, say, an Aston Martin V8/V12/DB9?
  9. Hint 1 - Learn to spell (including not putting capital letters in words at random). Saying that... Having made 824 posts to date, and still not having said anything worth saying (what you need to do to get validated), your going to have to really pull something out of the bag.
  10. Please don't slate me Edit: However I did play for local team when i was like 6.
  11. Bet you a fiver if you'd faced your BB shell before installing it new - that wouldn't be happening.
  12. The Duck


    Rather like tom, I'm half way through sixth form. Should have some AS levels... Doing next year, then doing a 5 year (eek) degree in motorsport engineering hopefully. 5 year because... Need to do the 1 year foundation thing, then its a 3 year course, with one year work placement. As for Tom stealing my ideas... pfft.
  13. What if your not old enough to be old skool?
  14. With the exception of about 6 of my contacts online out of about 80, they are all wankers. People bugging me to swap my ozonys for an onza t-rex spec one 'because its a well good deal if they give me a spare magura' etc etc. And f**king sket girls that add you because they are sooo desperate for somebody to talk about to their mates that they sent naughty pictures of them self. Oh yeah, and the odd wanker from college who I have to make polite conversation with.
  15. Yeah mine decided to f**k itself over about 15 minutes ago, and I'm rather glad.
  16. Or if mod riders didn't like front freewheel for some strange reason - they could get a proper freehub (in the form of a Pro2). The 135 spacing is a good idea, don't know why it hasn't been done before.
  17. Many, but winner at the moment is 'Moon Pig' the most utterly wank advert ever created.
  18. Yeah man, just send them what ever you want them to build that you've already got, anything you haven't got - buy off them at the same time as your ordering the wheel build. Probably a good idea to do it over the phone so that they can give you an idea of when its best to send it to the etc.
  19. f**king christ! Whats he been eating? Hes not all supple jointed looking like most young people when he rides. Properly weird if he really is 11. As I'm a very suspicious grumpy old man type, and the tender age of 17 - I can't believe hes 11. I probably would, but hes not on onza's website, which only went online like a week ago so I can't see how it couldn't be up to date... Massively sorry if he is 11 and sponsored by onza, hes a monster if so.
  20. Tried cutting two flat edges out of it with an angle grinder or a hacksaw, then whacking it in the vice? Can't believe you haven't got it off with a blowtorch and a vice...
  21. Haven't been on Muel's, but tarty Adam's disks are unreal. Better than my mags with vicious grind, cnc backings,, Joypads, booster...
  22. Sorry, but - How much should Ali C be in there?
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