It just pisses me off when people winge and wine about not being validated when they clearly just aren't making the effort. If you 'can't spell' (which is a load of wank in itself, but thats another story) - your on a computer! Use f**king spell checker! Don't talk shit, don't make repeat topics, use the search, spell properly, add some valuable input occasionally and you will be validated. The only thing on that list that you couldn't do if you made a little bit of effort is valuable input, due to lack of experience/knowledge. Which is fair enough I suppose, but, we've all been there - just read up or whatever.
All the god knows how many people that are validated have managed it.
And in answer to the topic title - NMC has always been full of shit, thats why I try not to venture in here much to prevent me from coming across as a grumpy old wanker, and that is why the validation system exists. Without it, any old tom dick or harry could and would clog every thread with 'buy my mission prodigy' and 'what r the best break padz?' and 'do i get a 20 inch or a 26 inch' etc etc etc...