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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Lol. Alloy lockring. Anyway - looks really nice! Little on the heavy side maybe? Good choice of colours.
  2. Riiight... Shows you live over 150 miles away a bit now... Anyway, I'll go and see it. Just because the other one was a good laugh. Used to go round mates houses, watch it in big groups, and just laugh at it. More of a comedy for me really.
  3. Brakes - Carbon/Ti Mono Trials Echo Isis 7075 Cranks - Try-All with trialtech half bash and try-all FFW Echo vp pedals - Mag bodies, Ti spindles (wellgo mg-1 style only 298g) Echo disc hubs - Try-All 'H' Stupidly heavy nipples/spokes dont know make? -Alloy nipples DOB rims - Drill sidewalls
  4. The Duck

    Trialtech Stems

    Yeah, as I've said in several times in different topics - ones of the best things I've bought for my bike to-date. Edit:
  5. Its not a real slick 20" tyre if it doesn't say Try-All on it. Surely everybody knows that?
  6. 50a on the sides and 62a on the middle Adam? Might have to try one I suppose...
  7. Really like that. Nice spec, might feel a little nicer with less stem stackers (something to try when your bored I suppose). Just the right amount of green, as said. Really hate it when people go nuts getting green cranks and stuff. Really like that. All bikes look loads better when they are all shiny and new too.
  8. Halfords, Botley buddy. Will google map it and edit for you. Here.
  9. Lol. I don't know? One of them can gap 9ft! Maybe we should make another topic about it... In answer to your question - Yes, yes they are. (based on what I've seen on here, terms and conditions apply)
  10. Lol, almost wet myself... *picture of Ali's arm dripping with blood* It didn't really hurt though, so he and Stan decided to find a dropgap
  11. There we are then, formula 'One' lever with Mono Trial caliper. Which was 'alright' by Ali's standards so its probably f**king insane.
  12. Wow, forum record for the most infuriating wank said in 10 words? Yeah thats total shit man. Really. Show me a picture of a deng frame that weighs less than 1.7kgs when not modified. Alternatively show me a deng frame with hydroforming.
  13. The Duck


    To be honest I think 24" is becoming a much bigger thing than it used to be. I'm pretty sure they are allowed in comps?! But don't quote me on that. With all trialtech/inspired bits and bobs cropping up all over the place parts are now well and truly easy to get. Only thing I'd say about the zoot - frame (not sure about other components?) is f-f-f-ing heavy.
  14. Carrrrmon! Dave has managed to round up 3 more people to make an appearance.
  15. Grips are really really nice. They are like the firmer foam on monty grips, but as chunky as halfords foam grips = best of both worlds because the monty ones are too thin, feels like your gripping the bar. And yeah, please don't make a frame. Lol. I'm just about to get a new frame and I don't want to get it, and then have you bring out a nicer frame a couple of weeks/months later
  16. No need for speculation really is there? Some of the UKs top riders are using them, and I get the impression from grantham's posts hes a bit of a stem snapper and hasn't broken his... Not starting an argument or anything, just sounds like your putting them down unnecessarily. I love my trialtech stem. Edit: I think its a Formula lever, it was rigged up to a Mono Trial caliper anyway. Something Adam thought up and Ali followed through on apparently!
  17. Didn't need to brand these with my name, because 1) Most of the pictures are crap so won't be using them for anything other than on here and 2) a lot were taken by Joe (because he kept falling down holes and incapacitating himself). So yeah. Captions to follow shortly. Ryan looking for lines... Joe falling off like a morris dancer Joe dropping off Ryan wheel swap/bridge with joe striking a pose looking amazed in the background Joe sidehop with sneaky foot plant Me going up Ryan tap Me with the same.. Tuck?! Me.. Not too sure what I'm doing. Judging by the gay look on my face it wasn't easy Joe after falling down hole number 3? Taadaa!
  18. Yessssssssss. Mint stuff. Really like the new ½, ½ bash (hope I'm making vague sense here...). Rims with square holes look mint, mag pedals are the dogs... On my new cycle in a few months time I'll be sporting quite a lot of this stuff... Namely - Stem, Riser bars, spacers, sprockets, bolts and grips. With uncertainty over - Bash, Rims (not uncertain, but will get when the rims the bike comes with gives up...) and ermmmmm yeah think thats it! You have been a busy boy Dave!! Is this it or will there be more?
  19. heh heh heh... 40½ inch high bars is where its at... Trialtech sport? stem and extended monty bars mayyyte.
  20. I'd improve bloody fast if I had that lot in my back garden!! I wish... Looking seriously good these days!! Liked the last video, but as has already been said, looks like you've improved loads.
  21. Good points by JT and OD404, I do agree, but I used to txt talk all the time (MSN, texting, emailing...) but as soon as I signed up to the forum I read the rules and followed them and was validated by about 15-20 posts I seem to remember. If your spell checker doesn't work, write your posts in word (of equivalent if your using a Mac) and then paste it in! Its common sense really isn't it? (or you could just listen at school...) I'm sorry (actually, no I'm not), I just don't buy any excuse for spelling badly. I was shockingly bad at spelling, yet from coming on here and having to spell properly (amongst other things) its really helped with it and my spelling has come on loads, with age I suppose. Typos, again, its being careless. I'm reasonably competent with a computer keyboard, so I don't need to look down when I'm typing, I just stay looking at the screen. That is a pretty recent thing though and before that I used to just read through my post after I'd written it and before posting it. There is no excuse. And your still doing it. '...it is annoying, But if the topic is...' ITS NOT A NOUN, AND YOUR NOT WRITING POETRY, THEREFORE YOU DON'T NEED A f**kING CAPITAL LETTER IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE JUST BECAUSE THERE IS A COMMA THERE. Anyway, I intend to not venture back into NMC for quite a long time after this post, as I think I've made my voice heard.
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