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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. XTP, the one thats coming out in a couple of months. Double disk. or Ozonys, short. or Tarty's bike
  2. Yes. I know, because he got it off me.
  3. Big up gaps to front. Just because I know if I really bugger it up, I'll have a wankered face
  4. Oh, shit. About time I uploaded the rest... Yeah sure as sure is sure will be in get2.
  5. The Duck


    Gutted I can't come. First day at a new job, which I can't miss
  6. Christ, thats twice today I've got it completely wrong on here...
  7. hahahahahahaha But yeah, f**king sick, beyond words.
  8. Forum Genius. That was almost poeticly put. Your now up there with OBM in my books...
  9. Yes Dave! Sick. Camera man sounded fit. Guess who tapped that hook about an hour ago
  10. Ok the why are you validated bit was more of a rhetorical question/note to self. I'm sticking to the I don't want to eat bone juice point though.
  11. Yeah, its actually equivalent to a freewheel with 72EPs. Because EPs on the back = (EPs on the front x 1.5)
  12. Thanks captain obvious
  13. Lame? Lol. Sorry, not exactly a valuable contribution...
  14. Strangely - I'm not a vegetarian either, but the idea of eating some cow/pig/horse's bone marrow doesn't really appeal. Why are you validated?
  15. Countless topics on this already. A mate of mine has had one for over a year now on his mod. It just doesn't skip, its always been fine and he doesn't even maintain it. Its been taken apart and cleaned out once since hes had it.
  16. Except, one of the main ingredients in drumstick lollys is Gelatin - which is obtained by boiling animal bones and gathering the jelly shit that floats to the top of the water. Enjoy.
  17. Hm... So if I get one and it snaps I can blame you? Heh heh... Also been fine with kool chains all along, but friends keep snapping them at the moment so I'm getting rather worried... Are they actually better than kools? I trust your experienced opinion...
  18. The Duck


    7th of September is a Sunday mate, so should be fine.
  19. You were very lucky then! Normally people tend to empty the contents of their paypal account into their bank account as soon as they receive money, so starting a dispute (which takes X weeks/days) will normally be a total waste of time when you could be doing something more useful.
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