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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Hes got the same Gu as you now Dave! Get with it boyo! Will miss you on sunday you sexy beast.
  2. Surely that music is a piss take?
  3. I like the horizontal drop outs on my stock...
  4. Starting an argument, on a subject that doesn't concern you, and has nothing to do with you at all? Please don't clog the thread. If you have something to say to me, PM me. If you have something to say to anybody else PM them...
  5. Should get him a muffin with a candle, for comedy value.
  6. Sick, don't think I've seen one of those before.
  7. Yes Bessell! You god. Editing was spot on, music went really well, no fussy shit at the start or the end. Riding was sick, as usual. Was scared for you on the drop gap... Normally can't watch natty, that was a pleasurable experience. Time to watch again...
  8. The Duck

    Zhi Z1

    Thats a bargain.
  9. But made by the same people that make DOB?
  10. The Duck


    Did he get a good send off? Shame I couldn't make it. Sent some flowers instead though.
  11. In the process of finding out weather it will be 'acceptable' to come riding instead of attend sister's birthday family shit.
  12. That looks sick! First ST on the forum? Love the pink kings...
  13. Always LOVE your videos, this was no exception. Sick riding, well edited and choice song. Still, I think The Robots Are Coming was hard to beat, thats in my top 10 favorite videos of all time. Good job!!
  14. I'd say the feel of an MBK T1000 is suited to a pretty tall person, with long arms. I'm 6ft 2, and felt uncomfortable when I rode one belonging to a certain MBK factory rider for the first time the other day. The Zenith however, has more all round 'nice' geometry. Isn't too long, isn't too short etc. And for the money (I'm guessing the Zenith is slightly cheaper?) the zenith would be my preference. I've never owned either, but have ridden both.
  15. Bigger, better. Your never happy with what you've got.
  16. Forgot to mention my happiness at not being slated for it yet, to my face anyway And, the bits changed from standard full koxx spec... High roller rear tyre, soon to have nobbles removed/Amazing front tube - 75g/Trialtech grips/Slightly bigger rear tube. Serious lack of trialtech on there at the moment, which needs to be sorted when I've finished paying my debt for what I've already got... Don't think I will change the stem just yet, it compliments the geo.
  17. Bolocks. Think I might ditch the old family.
  18. Thanks for all the comments! Just got back from riding it... *Note before reading - I am being honest, as before, I'm not dreaming it up because I've spent big bucks on it* Oh my god!! Its crazy nice. Its really strange when I sidehop, in a good way, I go to sidehop and the front wheel goes as far as you expect it to, and the back just keeps going up. Its like miraculous, don't understand it at all. Taps feel really nice, static to back - really nice, static wheel swaps - really nice, gaps to front - really nice... The only time the length is even vaguely noticeable, is when you front to back, you have to make sliiiightly more effort to get the back on intact and keep it there. Doesn't bother me at all. On my 'zonys I ran 18-16 gearing, which seemed spot on. I'm running 18-15 on the Boxx, with 175 cranks - power house. Makes gapping (as previously mentioned) easy, and helps with most other things. Also when I just kick it onto the back wheel, it just jumps up almost instantly. Really really responsive. Anybody who is thinking of a new frame - seriously consider this, if you are anywhere near being able to afford it, sell your body or something. Its worth every penny. £800 is a MASSIVE amount of money for me, I am by no means well off. Been saving for years and years to be able to afford this and its my pride any joy now. So much so I'm having a data chip installed (through a family friend), similar to the ones that go in your cats and doggys, that only weigh 2-3 grams, so if its nicked it can be identified as mine Keeping it in my house though so its not going anywhere... I'll probably think of something I've missed, but I'd better stop rambling now... <3 Edit: Aaah yeah - Brake is now absoloutely mental. Sick sick sick.
  19. Ok so, kept it pretty low profile. Nobody new what I was getting, or when I was getting it. Just been in my road on it so far, feels f**king nice, not just saying it because I've splashed the cash. I'm yet to go for a proper ride, the front brake is wank (needs bedding in), but it gaps, effortlessly. Thought I'd get slated for having it, and not being Bessell/Dan Ko standard, but I've worked hard for it and I wanted to treat myself. Massive thanks to Adam, Ali and Stan for sorting me out. Will update later when I've been out for a proper ride... Pictures don't do it justice really, had the camera on auto because I'd been woken up by the delivery man and was still half asleep. Beautiful (in my opinion) in the flesh. Might change a couple of bits eventually. I'm also yet to weigh it, because its not quite how I want it. (Not enough Ti bolts, peadals are gay as, not too sure about the stem yet either). Bit of a change from the Ozonys!
  20. Ha. Thats rather beautiful Inur. I too dislike mods, but thats rather lovely.
  21. f**k sakes. Welllllll want to go. Lol Dave.
  22. Or maybe not? Two wrongs don't make a right and all that...
  23. Look up Pete Wright, then you can be a terrible trio.
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