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The Duck

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Everything posted by The Duck

  1. Would have been coming to this for the first time... Can't now since my ankle has exploded. Rossy will be coming though I believe.
  2. The Duck

    Rear Tube

    Maxxis Freeride. DH maxxis tubes are a bit overkill.
  3. The Duck


    Pics or it didn't happen Ad
  4. You'd be supprised... I know somebody that got a similar one - was absoloutely shiiiit. With a capital S.
  5. I use a JVC HDD camera. Was surprisingly cheap, when I got it I too was just looking for a camera to make riding videos, on a budget. Will try and find the exact model... Edit: Everio G something. They bring new ones out every 5 minutes, but you wont go far wrong with one of those.
  6. I so would... But can't due to gammy ankle. Shit. Have a good ride ladies and gentlemen.
  7. Real nice looking. Not a huge fan of the stickering on the forks, but they can just be pulled off. Only things I'd change if it was mine (I'm very hard to please so think yourself lucky its only 3 things ) Front tyre Pedals Front brake (just because BB7s drive me round the bend) Overall very very nice.
  8. Thought you were sponsored by koxx?
  9. Parcelforce. £20<. Your right, crap thread.
  10. Wellgo MG-1s any day of the week. Shit all over V8s, V12s, VPs...
  11. Sick. Just going to go and watch it again...
  12. Wronggg. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=r-VjIElccmw
  13. Ridden both, owned one. In my opinion - The T-Mag is the nicer frame. However the spec on the echo lite is better. On balance I'd probably go for the echo.
  14. Ok myself and two others want to go to bristol tomorrow for a ride... I went about a year ago, once, so can't remember my way around and the other two haven't even been before Anybody local around?
  15. Lol. Good condition? You'd be lucky to get a snapped one as a swap for a T-comp.
  16. I would be pretty spectacular if they warrantied brake pads for wear... Wouldn't put it past them though...
  17. Private video again matey. Vimeo isn't really floating my boat with this private video shit all the time...
  18. I think I love you... Edit: For the record - I did realize it was a flatland BMX, just looked so funny I had to... Also, - I'm heterosexual.
  19. Fair point. BUT Koxx browns normally will with stand an insane grind and still last for ages. That looks far from an insane grind to me... Must just be a dodgy set.
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