Well and truly been round the houses when I comes to brakes. Never had rear disk though, because its a silly idea. Especially with the way I sidehop (to the left). I've had 7 maguras (with pretty much every set of pads under the sun, pre '08 deng lever blades, '08 deng leverblades, metal tpas etc etc) I've had an Avid SD7 and an Avid Ultimate (with various different cables, various pads again) I've had a BB7 (180mm) I've had a Mono Trial (180mm) I've had two Magura Louises. (180mm and 190mm) Setteled on - Magura Louise front with a 190mm rotor, and an HS33 on the back with Koxx Browns and a standard lever and TPA. Goodridge hosing though. Which I am very happy with.