One year on from the 7/7 bombings in london i seem to be thinking about it alot. Please post your thoughts, and opinions on this topic here, what were you thinking when it happened, how did you find out, what do you think now. The way i found out was.. I was out at lunch break in school, with some mates just chilling out by some stairs, and another friend came up to us and said ' Oh my god, Londons been bombed' and we were looking at the news update on her phone, and we all thought it was like, a bomb from a plane that had been dropped , and we were discussing it, and then i turned my news service on on my phone and about 5 minutes later i got another one, saying another bomb had exploded and people were seriously injured. and then, we got another, we saw the teachers and they weren't so bothered, we asked them if it was true (because they had a tv.) and they said yes, and just ignored us, and carried on as normal, all day i could not concentrate on work, i was too buy thinking about the poor fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters that were in the bombings and what there familys must be thinking right now. i got home, and stayed infront of News 24 for almost 6 hours solid, just watching, and thinking, i dont even think i took any of it in, i was just about, staring at the tv screen and thinking. One year on i am thinking baout this day, and all the people that got injured and died, and thinking of tier familys and what they must be going through. That is what inspired me to write this post. Please post your comments here. Thankyou to the wonderful paramedics and police and firemen and women that saved so many lives that day. Thankyou to the brave news reporters, going so close to the scenes, not knowing of another bomb was going to kill them or not that showed Britain what happened. This is in memory of the people that died in the 7/7 bombings.