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Tommy d

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Everything posted by Tommy d

  1. Started awesome, I was loving the stylish 24" bit, and the bike looks like the coolest thing ever. Got a bit boring into the 26" bit, the ending cheered me up again though
  2. Yeah bit of a love/hate thing for me, some pretty cringy bails and I hate seeing people throw their bikes like that. Riding was awesome however, some sweet sweet moves and lines, love the gap to front to spin thing.
  3. Curtiscurtiscurtiscurtiscurtiscurtiscurtis with jam
  4. I think I might pop down, not gonna have my trials bike but if it's a nice day I'll come say hi and do some stair drops or something on DJ bike... My comments above are looking distinctly untrue now that both my bikes are in Kent!
  5. I find steep head angle makes it easier to go backwards, VERY important consideration!
  6. Awesome video! Loving the bail at 29 seconds, and the one at the end straight through a tree, loads of cool riding in there.
  7. Nah don't hibernate, I've been kind of forced into temporary hibernation with a bad back, and it just makes me feel lazy and loserish not to get any exercise. It does suck when it's wet and windy though, wishing there was an indoor skate park where I am at uni! It also annoys me a bit that I seem unable to balance at all in the dark, I need daylight!
  8. Just wanted to enlarge for extra effect...
  9. Tommy d


    Pump your tyres up! Please! I beg you!
  10. Ash you're leaving yourself wide open to jokes about how you like looking at people from behind ANYWAY, I reckon at some point street trials will go into a phase kind of opposite to how it is now, as concerns big inch riding vs creative lines riding. Obviously there are quite a few people now who do the creative stuff but if you went in the video section and picked the first 5 videos the chances are 4 of them would just be people doing the biggest ups/gaps that they can... That's me feeling optimistic. I guess there will always be a bit of both. And there will always be people who work on the technical skill side of riding so they can be good in competitions.
  11. I'd be up for it if my back is alright then, which I really hope it is. Never ridden Poole before...
  12. Also, Curtis frames, really nice and probably last forever, but very expensive! www.curtisbikes.co.uk I'd probably get a Base in your position, pretty good, cheap, and on Tartybikes if that's what you want.
  13. Get a front vee on the go! Bike looks cool Jay, stealth is good, it's only missing one thing and that's a place to sit... Anyways should be seeing that bad boy over Christmas, hope it rides nicely.
  14. Yeah, we all know if you wanna look cool you just need jeans, a stickered helmet, and a seat! A complete inability to side hop may also come in handy... or is that just me... errrrrr.... mumble
  15. Here's mine: (needs an updated picture with Pashley forks, which gives me a good excuse to keep posting in the Saddle Thread ) EDIT: Justice? No, if you ask me.
  16. Just spotted the Dylan Korba photo in the green box, is it me or is he manualling down a rail?!
  17. Good: I've been wondering for a while what the trials stuff at Penshurst actually is, and now I know. Nicely made and edited video (except for the aspect ratio). Bad: I can't really get excited about that kind of natural riding on logs, sorry...
  18. Tommy d

    Partz In Swansea!

    Preferred the street to the natural... those 180 gap thingys are cool!
  19. That reminds me actually, I used to have Onza cage pedals and they made really big slices in my shins, big and deep and wide, but then I got V8s and they only make little holes! So anyone reluctant to wear pads get platform rather than cage pedals...
  20. Tommy d

    (old) Tim Pratt

    Awesome! Is it old or new? Can we have more?! Shame about the quality, great riding.
  21. Come on students don't need new clothes... And, as people have said, always pre-drink, and don't buy ready meals, learn to cook, it's cheaper.
  22. Cool, few lines I thought were really awesome like 1.31, and the bum to wall stack was funny!
  23. I've been using 661 4X4s (i.e. shin and knee) for the last few years, they've saved me loads. Kind of hot to ride in, especially since I wear jeans too, but I find it's worth it.
  24. I have a bad back at the mo should be out if it's ok by then and it's not raining
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