that sounds like a plan, although i wont make either because A) i will be offshore wedding reception viewing in dundee if not offshore lol
Have a good one and take plenty of pics!
count me in so long as the weather permits, and depending wether im back from work in time need to make the effort and get back to it. As for the weather its still vold and snowy
Just count the teeth on the 3rd gear sprocket, then buy that sprocket in single speed form. Or what i did a couple of years ago was split the gear casset and just fit the 3rd gear sprocket
I find that after climbing for a few years it takes alot longer for arm pump to set in if at all, only after riding natty for a couple of hours does arm pump happen. Climbing and bouldering are a great way to build up your upper body strength and stamina. Give it a go if possible and see how it works