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Ross McArthur

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Everything posted by Ross McArthur

  1. I see what Mark is saying about promoting info but really, how hard can it be? There's one single point of information, being the BTF website. What else is needed? Someone sitting updating Twitter, Insta, FB, bla de bla de bla It seems that if people don't see a little red 1, notification being forced in their eyes, they'll claim not to know about it. Use your brains people. Pick up the phone, ask someone. Its not hard.
  2. Great control. Looks like a fun spot.
  3. Second wheel swap, did you engage warp speed?
  4. http://www.pinkbike.com/news/danny-macaskill-at-the-edge-riding-for-my-life-2016.html
  5. Best vid ive seen from you imo. Kinda miss the rainbow and green now that its gone.
  6. Nice edit. liked the tune. G turns and nose pivot things were on point.
  7. Yes! Right up my street that. Slow manuals with a magura. Very nice. Strap that shin pad to your head but pal.
  8. Fakie nose manual? I'm not getting them quite the way I want them yet. Must try harder.
  9. Now now Kev, baiting is against the forum rules. Play nice.
  10. There was another of him riding some logs, smoothly kicking about.
  11. There is the longer trialsy version too! Comes in 20mm longer wheel base. Cos that's what matters.
  12. Done a spot of track building myself in my day. It was mostly cutting the trail though, so loads of block and tackle pulling out tree stumps. That's as far as I got before "f**k this shit".
  13. Love all the 80s styling. But come on, just give the people what they want. A joint edit with ET riding trials bikes. Half Shipley, half street.
  14. Tattoos make me laugh at the best of times but these trials ones are gold!
  15. This is key in my eyes to drum up interest. Going to try and get 3 boys from here down. No idea what level they are at. Probably 30 odd year old green route riders.
  16. Trials tattoos. Anyone seen these?
  17. Na, embrace it. At least now you know for sure what'll die first!
  18. While looking for a garage on google maps I spotted this little guy on a Monty!
  19. Does it feel light? Looks it.
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