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Ross McArthur

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Everything posted by Ross McArthur

  1. Sounds very silly. I normally take a photo of the score board with my phone.
  2. Nice but felt like it was another "I can flair now so ill make the video about that and pad it out with some other stuff" kind of video. I'd give the "shot of rider smiling" a good solid 6/10.
  3. I feel your pain. There's engineers in my place, probably on more than double what I'm on, who sleep at their desks! One even takes his phone off the hook so isn't disturbed! Good job I'm on TF the whole time they're asleep other wise I'd be well pissed off.
  4. @monkeyseemonkeydo rode from John'O'groats to Lands End on a trials bike. Anything is possible.
  5. I was going to post some pics here of the sections, which Callon posted on the Facebook page, but there's not much to go by... Once he's cleared all the ferns and grass, so we can actually see the rocks, ill get back to you all.
  6. I always try and make sure the thing my camera is sitting on isn't the most prominent thing in the picture...
  7. Thanks for clearing that up, Dan. No one got that joke.
  8. Would love to see this thing being ridden in moving pictures.
  9. Should we impose a rule on riders who don't come first? "Not allowed to go home early with their lip tripping them". "Must stay for prize giving's and clap even though you don't want to".
  10. Boo! was expecting more natty footage. Nice looking bikes those.
  11. Be happy G. https://youtu.be/25CtoSJD9eo
  12. Feel free to post some more intimate ones...
  13. Really enjoyed this. Your video skills surpass your photography skills aaand your nunchuck skills. Euans stature suits the clean lines of the console.
  14. Just trying a couple of things to find out if they'd work as part of a longer line.
  15. You do make that bike look like fun times...
  16. What were those flashes? Nothing sinister I hope? I'm not going to go and start buying TMS parts against my will am I?
  17. Strut £105, Susp link £17.95, mounting £30.45. Labour inc fitting discs and pads £100. Seems fair?
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