Nice but felt like it was another "I can flair now so ill make the video about that and pad it out with some other stuff" kind of video.
I'd give the "shot of rider smiling" a good solid 6/10.
I feel your pain. There's engineers in my place, probably on more than double what I'm on, who sleep at their desks! One even takes his phone off the hook so isn't disturbed!
Good job I'm on TF the whole time they're asleep other wise I'd be well pissed off.
I was going to post some pics here of the sections, which Callon posted on the Facebook page, but there's not much to go by...
Once he's cleared all the ferns and grass, so we can actually see the rocks, ill get back to you all.
Should we impose a rule on riders who don't come first? "Not allowed to go home early with their lip tripping them". "Must stay for prize giving's and clap even though you don't want to".