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Ross McArthur

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Everything posted by Ross McArthur

  1. Ross McArthur

    Funny Bail

    Hoodie under over game completed it mate.
  2. Fancy a natty ride in the spring? Did you see the video I posted of Aaron on FB?
  3. I think its more the Kudos/status people are after more than anything.
  4. Nice wee divot in the grass there! Been doing the gardening? Bike looks a wee bit big on you but doesn't seem to be holding you back on back wheel moves. Lets see how well it taps? Bring on the 2017 Scottish Expert class....Fighting talk!
  5. Whaaaa! That's my mates old Marino! Amazing. That bike rides awesome btw. I designed it Looks like the forks are bent now haha One thing to note though (something which had nothing to do with me) is that the brake mount is welded on the wrong way round. The top/high part should be at the bottom. It was a frame builder called JAF who done it. Refunded my mate but never sorted it.
  6. Have a gander at the site...The Tarty comp video guide is useful. Wave when you see me. http://www.biketrialuk.co.uk/
  7. Post a picture of your bike and a picture of your bar set up (side on) then we can go from there.
  8. Ross McArthur

    Ali C Vlog

    Camera focus though.
  9. I'm sure Sam is minted enough to pay for his own bike. That's what I don't get about young sponsor hunting riders. Don't aspire to be sponsored. Aspire to be able to make enough money to pay for your own parts.
  10. I like how photo shopped the cover photo is.
  11. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
  12. Says the man who cant route his cables properly.
  13. "I think hands down are allowed in trials"
  14. What the hell was that rock, paper, scissors at the start?
  15. You do realise that its the pad that wears (considerably faster) not the disc.
  16. Pulsing is maybe the wrong term. Sounds like you're asking him to have the brake on slightly, then harder. That's not the case. What you need to do is jab the brakes. On. Off. Repeat.
  17. Ross McArthur

    Ali C Vlog

    Haha. Forgot about trials being UCI. Kenny B n that.
  18. Ross McArthur

    Ali C Vlog

    Me and Warner. Beeeeeep beep beep beeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
  19. Ross McArthur

    Ali C Vlog

    I don't sound like that in real life Next vlog on the Canon D80? Will see all your bikes scratches then!!
  20. I think the lever doesn't hold in place and ends up falling out the way. So unless you have a 7" finger you wont be able to grab it. Other fix would be to fix an elastic band to the lever and bar. Am I wrong? Pretty sure ive seen it on some magura disc brakes before.
  21. Ross McArthur

    Ali C Vlog

    There is sooo many factors which determine the difficulty of a hook. Not just the height.
  22. Ross McArthur

    Ali C Vlog

    Starting to be the most used "other rider" in these things.
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