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Ross McArthur

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Everything posted by Ross McArthur

  1. Yea, seems like his riding could be so much easier to watch if he just took out those 2-3 extra hops. Its not like the lines he was doing were anything special where it would have taken loads and loads of go's. Liked the chilled tune but there was too much filler in there. No need for all the pedalling towards stuff. The "looks like he's wanking" clip wasn't funny the first time someone used it, back in nam. The up to front was nice, I agree. Much prefer that style to say, up to front and using the front wheel to hop round to back like I see a lot of riders do, as it often forces them off balance making them use another correction hop.
  2. So. Dialled. Apart from that up to back @0.41. Nearly f**ked that shit up.
  3. Barbara was pulling out marker tape in howling gales on boggin hill sides when (insert famous trials rider) was but a glint in their fathers eye. In this era of "squeeze every last drop out of trials to make a buck", where riders use the guise of "promoting trials" to scrape a living, its comforting to know there's humans like Barbara who acted as a back bone to the once only way to be known in this tiny sport - Competitions. Thank you Barbara, all the best.
  4. I could never guess what Kenny was riding in that video?
  5. An up to front aided by a BC, into ET with added recovery hop.
  6. On toast is for the narrow minded. Get that shit on some spaghetti.
  7. Why don't we hear comments like that when Ali's Rules vlog comes out then?
  8. First tap on the drum beat. YES. Loved that you even spotted that rear wheel on arm rest line. But! Jabbing your brake like that on manuals is as bad as BCs.
  9. That was all for the camera. Bigging the line up like it was massive or something... He could probably hop manual it - up the way.
  10. Total characters! You just don't get that anymore. Its either loud mouth chavs or introvert shy boys.
  11. YES! I was never really sure on that song but I think its a grower. In addition to that...
  12. So much for a photo contest. Its a popularity contest. Wankers.
  13. Just to let you, and everyone else know. Marino has just employed a new frame builder, and just the other day completed 15 custom orders in a shift! His English/communication is improving, so now is a better time than any to get in touch. Ill also be able to help out, so message me here or find me on facebook/instagram.
  14. Just sent him a message about his pad knock.
  15. That echo. Curtis forks, smooth alex rim and dem carbon eastons which felt like there was down sweep.
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