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Ross McArthur

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Everything posted by Ross McArthur

  1. Seen my post count mate? 8507. Thats 8507 sarcastic dick head posts over X amount of years its taken for me to destroy the forum. Finally its happening! Glad you took notice.
  2. The mk2 for me is the second silver frame with, as Tony rightly says, a thicker tube design and also a change to the graphics. The first paint job had two very long black and red triangles but the mk2 had triangles which wrapped round the top and bottom of the tubing with a pointed edge. I also agree that with 2.5 azonic dw bars with a 90mm 0deg rise stem, was the bolloks.
  3. I'm sure there is a number of gyms in the greater London area, yes.
  4. Sorry G, I missed your post until now. If you can sort your whiny little bitch attitude out I may consider showing you round. If you want to play the "just turn up and ride without telling anyone" card, then....good luck! Otherwise, gimme a shout on FB! (If you've not already deleted me for calling you a whiny little bitch)
  5. Pretty cool stuff. I want silver bars now. Dem trainers be white!
  6. Prefer the brisa. they always looked really expensive with the blue and red paint job options.
  7. Is that the Thumper? Isn't it the one with the dinner plate disc on the back.
  8. Is that the Thumper? Isn't it the one with the dinner plate disc on the back.
  9. Been googling places to ride this summer and came across (wayhey!) this video. Start made me laugh. Bike box woes. https://www.pinkbike.com/news/mountain-biking-adventures-in-greece-2014.html
  10. Been fine for me so far. Only thing I noticed was my 9mm QR axle on my front wheel had poked through the box. That was my bad for not putting a plastic stopper on it. Could always wrap a t-shirt/towel bla bla round bits like that. To stop the handlers from ripping the hand holds, I usually put a few layers of parcel tape around them to make them more robust. Could always use a layer of black bin bags round the box if you're paranoid of the rain getting it. Remember and pack extra for the return leg. In the case of Taxis. Most of, if not all airports will have taxi drivers jumping all over you looking to nab a fair. You'll have a big box. All you'll have to do is point to it and they'll soon point you to a driver with a big enough car. They'll be geared up for groups with large amounts of luggage. I doubt you'll have a problem finding transport, wherever you go.
  11. While we're on topic of Nick Goddard, the father of smooth, DVD making and V-raps. (I was going to post the kerb video of all kerb videos but that wouldn't show the full extent of his awesomeness). I actually used to idolise this guy to the extent I wanted to dress like him. Before vlogs were vlogs... Check the attempts section over the wooden sheep. Way ahead of his time.
  12. That was a nice front to back. Skinny wall points.
  13. I tuned in dude. Sat and watched some videos with your tunes playing over the top and they all went really well! Good way to spend an hour. Will have to tune in again next time. The site asked me to sign up after 10 minutes to view the video. Didn't bother doing that. All it was was the decks, right? Maybe if you were hip thrusting in a mankini I would have registered
  14. If you can do better than Zoot_alors I'll tip my hat.
  15. f**k harsh. I don't care if I call people out on things I probably couldn't do myself. I'm glad when I get called out on. It pushes me. For me, the best "rule" was no set up or correction hops, or Ryan Leechs "Manifesto". Even before Ali or Ryan were preaching about it, Chris Akrigg was interviewed by MBUK (the fountain of all knowledge in the late 90s early 2000s) and said he followed the Trial Noir mantra. No hops, death grip, switch foot etc etc.
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