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Ross McArthur

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Everything posted by Ross McArthur

  1. What I really enjoy about you G is that you get trials. Not often is it that riders just click with trials, I think you're one of the riders, who do. Oh, the riding, I forgot! No unnecessary hops, no excessive use of the brakes, no feet flapping about off the pedals, going off rocks fakie and rolling all the way out of shot , tech lines executed well and not shy to go big and be creatively different. Gold Star.
  2. Yep, good work son. Much preferred this than having to listen to the word fanny being bleeped out.
  3. Brought his back wheel left at 1.16 which ruined it for me.
  4. Enjoyed this boys style.
  5. Think it would look better without the graphics on everything. Cranks, stem bars, levers etc......and that news paper wrapper on the fork, what's that about?
  6. 1.24, landing in pinch gap position. That's the good shit.
  7. That boy messages me every couple of weeks calling me a Scottish wanker. Fair enough...
  8. This line made my day. This video made Jacks hole weak!
  9. Been running my TT carbons on my echo for street, comps and shows and they're now on a 4play I'm borrowing. Really like them for everything. Slightly forward for the echo and a bit further back for the Inspired. They were all I had, plus a short steerer fork plus a 90x25 stem to put on the Inspired. The set up felt well low to begin with but I got used to it and they feel fine now.
  10. Yep, its on You Tube. I highly doubt Mart, Mart and Rey are (still) getting royalties from this so no bad feelings for posting this...
  11. ...and still is for a huge percentage of trials riders these days.
  12. So much good shit in this. cba typing it aaaaall out. 1 question. Do you run those low rise bars as a preference or for some other reason?
  13. Its going to look great on video, I can tell.
  14. Vagabond! I was reading thinking, sweet photos bro.
  15. Would you be able to run a 4 bolt booster on a reverse 4 bolt fork instead of the Jubilee clips set up? Or would that not give you the close gap between the booster and tyre? Non drive side bolt head looks close to death.
  16. Agreed but I dislike the concept of giving my money to someone else to pay their Mortgage even more. Lesser of two evils....
  17. According to Marino, the single source of trials frames in SA.... Pure hunners.
  18. First round of the Scottish Bike trials series in Cockenzie.
  19. Northern Island, aye? Jees, Moths too? Who wrote that? A lawyer?
  20. Word on the street is that they have adopted it now. Although they aren't calling it trials. Its being called Geometry specific bike handling, or something!
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