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Ross McArthur

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Everything posted by Ross McArthur

  1. I quite like it actually. Is it a Tioga pivotal? Dropouts look really similar to the Arcade ones. Looks like you could be doing with a link being taken out. Like the white.
  2. So so good. Really liked the manual to wedgie line. That thin manual wall was hiiiiiiiiigh!
  3. I wasn't sure if that 360 drop was shit or not. Thankfully it was in slowmo. Shit - Confirmed.
  4. Just a bit of "banter" big man. Im about to "announce" I bought a pint of milk from Tesco last night. I'll carefully word it to sound like they gave me it.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/ross.mcarthur.7/posts/10209510026776378
  6. Id smash a free Santa Cruz over rocks too if I knew I could get replacements for hee haw. One on my FB yes. Check Aaron Dukes Insta too.
  7. Would you consider selling custom frames?
  8. 29ers are where it's at! Love my Spec Camber Evo. Changed the cranks to x1 nw and the bars to renthals with ODI jobbies. Still can't bring myself to sell my nomad though.
  9. That was from Clean Team Rider, Aaron Duke.
  10. Word on the street is the 20" full build will be 4.5k.
  11. Needed more manuals. For cereals though. Was Fontenoys back brake shit or what? Still smooth riding...love the way he 'does things'.
  12. It was from Tarty. I'll give them a shout. Don't think they do echo disc 24" now though? Seems not for now
  13. I did do a fair amount of riding on it. Think the warranty would be well up by now.
  14. So the crack is showing around the gusset behind the head tube, which is unusual for echo as they usually go at the bottom of the gusset. Would the crack be under the gusset too, on the frame? Who knows. Would you still ride it?
  15. Ross McArthur


    Gap at 3.30. Yes! Shot at 3.10 was like...
  16. I love Jacks riding and how big he can go but a child dies every time the stem touches his privates like at 1.19.
  17. The Scottish club in all its glory in Cockenzie. Hope everyone can make it along to Fort William this weekend!
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