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Ross McArthur

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Everything posted by Ross McArthur

  1. Done pretty much the same thing with my Christopher King though not as extreem!!!!!!!!
  2. Yea I seen him do it for the first time for the public at the bike show on friday a couple of years ago. Though Chris Akrigg didnt have the camera ready so he had to do it again right after!!!lol
  3. Yip the tarty lot are fan daby dosey. I even trust them with my bike parts and thats sayin somthing!!!
  4. I suppose if I can get a drill bit the correct size of the hose that would work fine and I do (I think) have some spare hose about that I could use. Il give it a bash thanks! Alternitavly I could ask my mum she should be able to get me a siringe from work. or one of my smackhead friends could lend me one!!! just joking. thanks.
  5. Does anyone know if I can buy the magura seringe and little pipe bit on there own?I think thats all I need to bleed my brake. Ive seen the whole bleeding kit with all the mineral oil and stuff but I want to just use water with my brakes so wont be needing it. Ive tryed the tarty bikes site and select bikes site too but they dont seem to have them! hope you can help
  6. Hey I hope you dont come across any problems but when i cut off the top of the seat tube of my base the frame definetly had a reconisable weakness in it. It cracked right under the top tube where i had sawen it! As i say hope you dont come across any problems.
  7. I was only resting my wheels on two diffferent rocks and I was going to hop to backwheel where my front wheel was, crunch. Right over the bars.
  8. Yea it was a really crap chainring! Why I decided to use a weak road one i dont know, probably because it was light or somthing stupit like that! think I have a picture somewhere of it if you want to see?
  9. Quite liked that mate, well done. One thing a would say is that there was a bit much slow-mo! but it was better than some vids that are out with way too much effects! how do you feel about bunny hopping your zoo? I tryed to bunny hop my mates and thought it was impossible! So well done on that front.
  10. I snapped 6 teeth off my 17tooth rear cog and snapped my chain at the same time too!
  11. Nice one man thats always a cool thing to do but not to be proud of I suppose. I snapped my tensiles the other week and got a big scar on my calf. woooooo hooooo might get a tatoo round about it to make it look like a vagina!!!
  12. What kind of switch bud?? Happy to help but dont really know what you mean??
  13. There is a few other guys who ride trials in glasgow too. Dan-zoo pitbull dave-zona zenith paul-ashton justice 06 james-basebikes ta26 strath-adamant 26" hamish-24uk bryan-koxx 20" emma-koxx20" andy-weird 20" a dont know the name of! andy-planet x euan-onza t lite and sum other wee guys that seen us and asked dady to buy them one of those bikes!! if you know what a mean!! Dont know why I posted this lol just for your information I suppose
  14. lol I thought the site had been taken off line! havnt touched it in bout a year and a half. Personally Ive been riding for bout 3 years doing proper trials but incured an injury doing downhill at Innerliethin about a year ago and still tryin to nurse my shoulder better :$ Any way yea send the pics bud its a peoples site really so anyones welcome. thats me on the ashton btw.lol how does the vario ride? have you got any pics on line just now?
  15. Where did you go in galasgow bud? the city centre is pretty crap but in the west end there is lots to do!! If you can get a sunny day then doing drops out side pubs into beer gardens gets you free beer
  16. Yea ash thanks Ill keep that in mind mate. Oh how I love the positive feedback.
  17. look, adamtrials as you can see I am pre member, and I cant help it if I have to post shitty little posts like this one to make my chances of becoming a proper member more likly and quicker!!! So less of being a wee wideo, ok! Thanks for the help any way, I did try eeb-shnae but was looking for a proper bike shop. Sorry I didnt make that clearer for you!
  18. Hey guys I am wondering if any one knows where I can get a protec b2? thanks.
  19. If you ever fancy a trip to Glasgow there are five or six of us trials riders here, and a few other street riders too! If your ever interested then let me know. Cheack out our site aswel. www.glasgowstreetriders.com
  20. Cheers for the help so far guys! Il be trying them tonight. hopefully get them dialed for my video. then itl be time to try it death grip mwahaha! I right.lol
  21. the girls call me Adam because of my leaf!!! palm tree leaf though :arabia: and a turbin!!!
  22. koxx and echo mate. koxx do the biggest colour selection ever, pretty sure they do 36 holes, Im maybe being stupid though! echo do a drilled rim with wider holes in them than koxx and onza, though have heard that makes them weaker but a little lighter if your that way inclined.
  23. hey I was watching the trial nior video the other day and seen Chriss Akrigg pull smooth reverse manuals and I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to do them? Apart from practice of course. I know trying them on a slight downslope helps and maybe having short cranks will help too. I can, because im right footed get my right pedal round but cant for the life of me get the left round. hope at least one person in the pre members bit can help out! thanks
  24. try 2.5" rise Azonic double walls. Lots of pros use them and i bought them a while back and would never change to anything I my bars . lol. i used to have the same bars as you and prefer the Azonics. i bought mine from bike dock I think or maybe chain reaction I cant remember but they were going for a good price when i did!
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