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About fezza

  • Birthday 07/13/1989

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    ben feather
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    ashton justice frame, middleburn cranks, hope pro-2 trials specific hub, try-all rims, hope disc (front), blackspire headset, onza tuff man forks, hope stem, zoo bars, maxis tyres......

Profile Information

  • Interests
    bike trials, motorbike trials and rugby
  • Location
    keighley, west yorkshire

fezza's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. basically ive been a member 4 a while now and the twats tht run this fukin site wont validate me as a full member startin 2 fuk me off now too. so for f**k sake, validate me or block me!!!!
  2. ive been riding in dcs for ages but they have no grip at all. anyone got any suggestions on some grippy shoes?
  3. looks like your m8 matts sidehop sequence is fake . the first two are convincing but the last one where he is actually on the wall looks "put on". his bike would be leaning the other way. apart from that.... not too bad
  4. great vid! really enjoyed watching it. hope to see some more in the future
  5. my bro rode them for a few months and snapped them. due to a "complication" he couldnt get another pair through warranty. cheers for the suggestion anyway
  6. ashotn justice 26" cant beat it!
  7. trakis are good but i much prefer jeans as they give you much more protection and are longer lasting. shoes wise, i ride with dc's but i used to use try-all's before i grew out of them. try-alls are really grippy and dont look too bad. they also give good ankle support
  8. ye im bored of the look of them. the massive bashring doesnt help but since they are over two years old i thought i might aswel get new ones
  9. ive recently changed from try-all flat bars to zoo bars and its the best thing ive ever done! feel great and they have perfect rise on my ashton justice.
  10. ive been running middleburn pros for about two years. im getting bored and fancy a change. any suggestions?
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