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Everything posted by j-bonham@hotmail.com

  1. just trim the bolts down a small amount then. i had to do this with my tnn clamps and trialtech booster.
  2. Why would you ever need to drill it? should just pull out no probs......
  3. if it's an 05+ lever you just keep unscrewing the tpa wheel untill it comes apart. or if it's de-threaded yank it out with some pliers.....
  4. Big stuff, loved it! front to back / frenchies are rapido.
  5. Good riding bud, side hops an taps you've got down to a tee.
  6. Why yes, yes i do. Toby will be coming aswell.
  7. I'll defo second thinking about a new chain. When you pedal round, does the chain become looser at one point, and really tight at another ?
  8. I'll have you know my post was slightly constructive to the topic...... was there any need for your post? which was not.
  9. electrical tape dude. comes in white or any other colour you can think of. (put it on sticky side facing the tire......) so dirt dont stick to it. Edit: if you don't want to do that, I've got some brand new trialtech ones in white, one 19" rear / one 20" front. can have them for £4 posted.
  10. God dayem, so so so so gooood.
  11. I usually overlook people commenting on spelling.... But you sir are a full on douchbag! So what if some posts aren't perfectly punctuated, it makes no differance to what they are saying. (on topic) I've allways used a maggie on back with a grind, and a disc up front. i've been riding about 6 years now..... and has allways worked well for me.
  12. thats some good history you don't hear of!
  13. what a lil grease on there, will aid when you remove them at some point. Edit: Beaten to it. like he said. ride around an keep doing them up.....
  14. Pretty sure the cap bolt on my hope are torx headed. quite small, like a t10 / 15 or something.
  15. the only time i've heard DOH! being used other than the simpsons. haha.
  16. Don't get me wrong, i've had rear kings on all three of my bikes i've had.... both mod and stock. love them. especially the sound! but i changed to FFW a couple of weeks ago and won't ever look back. i really feel it is that much nicer. plus it should work out cheaper.
  17. I've just gone from having a king on the rear to front freewheel..... and personally think it feels allot better! more snappy / responsive somehow. just something to ponder over mate.
  18. Ive you've got that much to spend in one go dude, why not make urself a custom build... ? that way you can decide what part you want on the bike.
  19. It was sent on tuesday 1st class mate, so duno what the hell royal mail are upto! got a recept an all........
  20. The piston aint stuck dude.... i wouldn't sell something thats buggered. it will work nicely one it's got the tpa! Simps, What do you mean no barrel??
  21. Good riders, music made is seem kinda like a circus! lol
  22. That was well cool. no way i'd see a bloke doing that though! lol
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