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Everything posted by rgv46

  1. I not got my bike yet but when i was skateboarding with my mates there was this lass so i tried to impress ( noob i know ) aha and i kickfliped off this ledge and popped a brearing and landed flat on my face! hurt like mad and she didn't look to impressed ahahaha
  2. Hey and welcome the people are friendly and and answer most quierys enjoy!
  3. Dont think i'll bother with it then cheers for the help as i am 16 not small not tall so yeah small bike not good
  4. Hey could anyone say or vouch for what these bikes are like im only a beginner and would like to know what im getting for my money and what they're like anyhelp much apprechated damon
  5. Hey any riders in here from Swindon :]] Beause i've found no decent bike shops about and just wondering if any people knew if any cheers :]
  6. Anzo you're t-pro is very smart rather jealous and everyone elses! i
  7. Just say why gotta be polite if they are treat them as if you wish to be treated or if they are complete n00bs! then be scarcastic etc! damon.
  8. Sounds like a grand idea to me :] will be expensive orange bikes are founds out that whilst doing my homework aha learn something new everyday
  9. Hey theres a t-pro for sale for 200 pounds near my area but needs new crank bearings but being a n00b aha i dont know how much there are but i'll keep doing my homework before i buy cheers
  10. Im off tomorrow to have a look in shops see whats about cheers for the advice apprechated damon
  11. I live in swindon because i skate and new to this all my mates skate so i dont know any riders so it's hard to find things out
  12. Whats condered a bag of poo though?? cheers
  13. Yeah beacuse i dont want to be forking out on a bike then realise i dont like it or im poo! im going to look around
  14. Cheers dude! i cannot wait to get riding i skate alot but must admit this looks more fun alot more!
  15. Cheers i'm completely new to this i've just stopped riding minimotos And just trying something new cheers i'll take a look damon.
  16. Preferbly a 20' sorry to sound like i know nothing because i dont ally would be nice! i've been looking on Ebay and there is a nice onza for 150 buy it now cheers Damon
  17. Hey everybody i'm new to trailing and i'm wondering if you could possibly give this newbie some advice on what bike to get cheers in advance Damon!
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