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Everything posted by piperpa28

  1. Ok well thanks, but I have slight problem, I am trying to build this bike up using minimimilst amount of money, fo example, I got my frame, headset, and bashplate for £35posted! So Is buying forks, bottom bracket, stem and bars second hand a good idea? because i know the price reductions are huge compared to buying them brand new!! lol! Also if I can afford I am hoping to buy a front and back wheel with drilled rims because I think they look cool, plus a slight weight reduction! Thanks for hell people - keep the coments coming!
  2. Hello all again, My topic descriptions are better now, sorry about my other posts, I didn't realize, but anyways people.........I will be getting my Onza t-bird frame, Bashplate and Headset very soon!(at last lol) but hey, I was just wondering what my next step should be, such as, what part should I invest in and go out to buy next? Shall I always go for 2nd hand parts rather than buy brand new parts to start with? Last question When I go to buy some wheels, Shall i go for drilled rims or not, considering it will be my first bike! Thanks for you help and time taken to read my post! Speak soon!
  3. Hello people, where are the nearest trials shops which sell brand new or second hand 20" mod bikes, such as Onzas? and are there any websites which specialize in 2nd hand Mod bikes or parts? apart from Ebay! Thanks for your time and help, speak soon!
  4. Thanks for the help people, I was looking at buying a t-bird enyways because t-vees are not rated at all and I like the shape of t-birds, so when I have enough money I will probally buy a 2nd hand Onza T-pro Frame and upgrade from there, is that my best plan?
  5. Hello people once agen, What is the cheapest that i could be looking at buying any year onza t-bird or t-vee for? plzz help! thanks!
  6. yup! check my name! but if you cant find it, it is ih8chavs01@hotmail.co.uk
  7. yeah ill just look around for what i can get for my muny, thanks for hep dude!
  8. I like T-pros alot! but i wud go for a t-bord becuase i can get them cheaper! but.... how much would i be looking at to be paying for a full build basic, any year t-bird and t-pro for the cheapest peice? because i dont want to spend alot on my 1st bike when i know for a fact i will upgrade when i start ridding alot!(thanks for help peeps, keep replying!
  9. Thanks for help! Keep comments coming! Are there eny trials shops near stourbridge/birmingham? and are there eny trials shops which specialise in 2nd hand or beggineers bikes?
  10. Hey people, I need expert opinion, lol but I am a beginner wanting a 20" Onza Mod bike so bad, but i am just wondering, How is better to go around doing this? is it better for me to buy all parts second hand and build up all my my own, or just buy a brand new one? or even buy 2nd hand full build.(If new is better, can i have a list of all sites I can buy New Full bikes from? Prettt Please with a Cheeery on top! lol Any advice is taken , it is all good! Thanks for your time agen peeps
  11. Thanks for compliment on my msn addy, I love it too, they annoy the hell out of me, with their cheap imatation burberry lol! but hey live goes on!!!Ive never ridden before so it cant be ME who rode with Ian, or Ad, I dont even have a full bike yet! Im still ooking for wheels lol!
  12. where you fly dude? Ive taken my solo at last passed my aviation law and my medical, but yeah, no doubt see you around! add me on msn ih8chavs01@hotmail.co.uk
  13. Hello Tom, I am new to this forum too! Im hopefully going to be riding a Onza T-bord when i get all parts together lol! Godd luck m8! We will be able to compare injuries from us both falling off, when learning lol! See you soon!
  14. hey dan! yeah I know both a chap called beau who rides a toxin pitbull, I think lol! He rides with sum ace riders, like Tom Bazso who rides a Zoo Python, I think! , and Oliie who ride mods, and yeah im good m8s with thm, going to same college as thm hopefully lol. see you soon dan! thanks for adivce on brakes, you will probs be helping me with other questions about what parts I should buy, lol. Yoooooo I should be hopefully getting a Onza T-bird 04 , with headset, Square tapper bottom bracket, Bash guard, and cranks soon! Yay! Yay! Cant Wait! Woop Woop! Thanks for all the help people with the brakes question and your time taken to read my post and welcome me to this forum! See you all soon!
  15. Hello everyone, I am just getting in trials and cant wait till I get my T-Bird 04 fully built up so I can go ride and become part of this ace riding community!!!! I live in Stourbridge near Birmingham(for people who dont know where it is, lol) Hello to all other new members like me and I wish you all luck!!! Quick question before i go- What brakes are relitavley cheap aswell as relible, and good for a onza T-Bird 04 model? Thanks for your time taken to read my post.
  16. Will 2 wheels with 10mm axels fit on to a 2005t-bird and forks? sorry about stupid question, i am a beginner!
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